Since, educational attainment rises over time, we should expect this to occur quite often.
It is still in most cases closely correlated with educational attainment and career expectations.
He provided stats on crime, educational attainment, presence of four-year colleges and an index on cultural and recreational opportunities.
Programmes are aimed at youth from low-income families and those who have low educational attainment and limited work experience.
The PISA assessments of 15-year-olds educational attainment, published in December 2010, showed Wales falling further behind since the 2006 tests.
Wales finished bottom amongst the UK nations in terms of the educational attainment of 15-year-olds in science, literacy and mathematics.
Yet the Cabinet Office report says that educational attainment levels are much lower in the north-east than in the south-east.
But when educational attainment began to stagnate in the 1970s, the trend was reversed and then compounded by accelerating technological innovation.
There may well be a link between family income and educational attainment, but is the solution to that to ban data?
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Their votes will matter less in the future, as their educational attainment rises and their share of the electorate continues to fall.
Among younger men, the returns to English are increasing in educational attainment.
Brookings ranks the 100 biggest metropolitan areas by rate of educational attainment.
At this town hall the President will have the opportunity to talk with students, parents and teachers about education and Hispanic educational attainment.
We consider 12 metrics relating to job growth (past and projected), costs (business and living), income growth, educational attainment and projected economic growth.
Americans once led the world in educational attainment, but this is now barely rising while other countries have caught up (see article).
MSPs unanimously backed the education committee's motion after a debate on its inquiry in to the educational attainment of looked-after children, on 11 January 2011.
Yet for all the official talk at home about ever-improving exam results, Britain is beginning to slide down the international league table of educational attainment.
According to other studies cited by the Rice researchers, heart disease is more prevalent among people of low income, low educational attainment and African American ethnicity.
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The report says it is too early to tell whether the long-term delivery of school accommodation will be better under PFI, or whether educational attainment will be enhanced.
What they found: countries with higher income, higher educational attainment, greater openness, more complete financial systems, better developed supply chains and decentralized governments experience fewer losses in the long run.
It is a well established fact in educational research that children who are younger in their year group at school tend on average to do significantly worse in terms of educational attainment.
Research for the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) had shown that children doing out-of-school activities and study support did better than expected in terms of their educational attainment, attitudes and attendance.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Money idea for children in care
The other thing to keep in mind, even at the high end, when you compare Asian-Americans individually by educational attainment, you still see that they earned less than non-Hispanic white males, for example.
For example, he showed how job applicants can use educational attainment as a signal to prospective employers about their likely productivity and how corporations can signal their profitability to investors by issuing dividends.
May is Asian-American Heritage Month and, over the course of the month, you might have heard it said that Asian-Americans enjoy the highest income and level of educational attainment of any racial group in this country.
Considerable progress has been made in the United States in recent decades in narrowing traditional gaps in educational attainment and achievement among the major racial and ethnic groups, and further progress was made in the 1990s.
Given that both female educational attainment and, in many urban centers, young female earnings best that of young men, young women are putting their money where their mouths are when it comes to chasing their aspirations.
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The people who lack home broadband access are -- not surprisingly -- from the same demographics as people who don't go online at all: mostly older, with lower educational attainment and income, or living with a disability.
So, with that, Cambodian, Loa, Hmong, Vietnamese - they're largely immigrated to the U.S. via political or refugees because of war and, in that case, their circumstances are different that would affect their educational attainment and their income levels.