Orientalist stereotyping, as Edward Said has well argued, leads easily to demonisation.
Governor Sir Edward said on Tuesday that the Bank would consider cutting rates still further to protect growth if statistics suggested a rising threat of recession.
The school is being taken over by the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music in March after its three-year pilot by the Qattan Foundation to ensure it has the best possible academic program.
The oldest surviving universities in the world today are in the region, such as Al-Azhar in Cairo, and polymaths from Edward Said to the inventor of ice-cream cones can be traced there.
Speaking to Parliament's Treasury Select Committee on Tuesday, Sir Edward said he thought price rises would moderate "to zero, or maybe minus a bit in some parts of the country in the next couple of years".
"We certainly did not give an all clear, " Boston Police Chief Edward Davis said later.
WSJ: Relief in Boston as New Details Emerge in Hunt for Suspected Bombers
"We got that call, and we got that guy, " Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau said.
Saracens chief executive Edward Griffiths said he was disappointed with the panel's final verdict.
Coroner Edward Thomas said he suspected Katie had been listening to her iPod, which was found nearby.
BBC: Train death Katie Littlewood 'did not look' at crossing
Managing director Edward Gillespie said police had told him there was no specific threat to the meeting.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | Horse Racing | Cash laundering fears played down
Senator Edward Kennedy said he would seek another vote in Congress before American troops went into action.
Auctioneer Edward Swindell said the current owner had decided to sell it in order to invest in other businesses.
"This isn't going to be a fair trial, " Moussaoui lawyer Edward MacMahon said.
Edward Cardon said an obvious missed opportunity is an airport in Najaf that could be providing jobs and economic growth.
"It was a positive quarter, " The Benchmark Company analyst Edward Atorino said.
Committee chairman Edward Leigh said the moving of expenditure was "not acceptable".
In Atlanta, Toys for Tots administration chief Edward Barrett said they had received 241, 814 donations, well short of their goal of 800, 000.
Edward Timpson said it was a "national scandal" and urged councils to do more to make sure they have a "solid start".
At an initial news conference, Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said authorities had received "no specific intelligence that anything was going to happen".
The Liberal Democrats' foreign affairs spokesman Edward Davey said Ms Smith should make a Commons statement on whether British MI5 officers were involved.
Later, Sir Edward was said to have told the judge investigating the killings that he should not forget the UK was fighting a "propaganda war".
Tory MP Edward Leigh said there had been "lazy thinking" in the belief that a no-fly zone would bring about the end of Gaddafi's regime.
Sotheby's medal specialist Edward Playfair said the medal, which was made to Grace four years before she died of tuberculosis, was a piece of history.
Defense attorney Edward MacMahon said Moussaoui's right to a fair trial has been violated by Martin's false information, as well as her improper witness coaching.
Rector Edward Mason said he was "thrilled" permission had been granted.
"There is a need for the general administration of the church to be put in good order, " retired Cardinal Edward Egan said in a recent interview.
Boston Police Chief Edward Davis said at a news conference late Friday that the key tip came from a citizen after the lockdown request was lifted.
Committee chairman Edward Leigh said the department should consider how effective its publicity was on the issue of behaviour of groups such as stag and hen parties.
BBC: Spain is a popular destination for hen and stag parties
It was their suspect, Watertown police Chief Edward Deveau said.
"We are proud of this historic settlement, which continues the 20 year history of Amalgamated Bank encouraging corporate reform and improved corporate governance, " Amalgamated Bank president and chief executive Edward Grebow said in a statement.