In "Nineteen Eighty-Four, " Orwell creates a character named Syme who I find eerily similar to Luntz.
The falcons sit like silent sentries, eerily still on wooden perches, their heads encased by hoods.
It was eerily vacant, so close to the place where moments earlier children had played.
In a way then, all the messianic promise of "Kony 2012" is eerily prescient.
This is because the mobile industry landscape is eerily similar to the display banner ecosystem.
The roads in Colombo are eerily quiet and most people are just glued to the news.
The dark studio and offices of Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc. is eerily quiet for a videogames outfit.
Halfway through comes tropical forest that looks eerily similar to the pine copses of Tahoe.
The dark studio and offices of Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc. are eerily quiet for a videogames outfit.
Eerily like the US today, Japan sought to cure this problem with easy money.
Hence, 20 years later, Italy finds itself in yet another crisis, one that looks eerily similar.
In the centre of town traffic was eerily light and many businesses were hidden behind shutters.
It's in fact an eerily similar theme we hear from everyone we stop and talk to.
The oil market's recent frothiness is eerily reminiscent of the irrational exuberance in the late-1990s stock market.
On the surface at least the market and surrounding conditions look eerily similar to the April top.
The first quarter of this year has been eerily quiet and subdued for municipal bond new issuance.
With its fuzzed out organ and meandering melody, "Chidiya" initially sounds like an eerily cheerful funereal romp.
An American used to ads trumpeting ambulance-chasing lawyers and headache-remedies from Walmart would find Germany eerily peaceful.
Behind me the wood-sided, thatch-roofed home painted purple and yellow sits eerily empty with one porch light on.
CNN: A bizarre visit to John McAfee's pleasure palace in Belize
It happened in personal computers twenty years ago, something eerily similar is happening right now with smart phones.
Graham barely celebrated at an eerily quiet Belle Vue before Wheeler converted comfortably to pull the game level.
The number happens to be eerily close to what News Corp paid for MySpace all those years ago.
FORBES: Google+ Cost $585 Million To Build (Or What Rupert Paid For MySpace)
This number is eerily close to the two million barrels per day noted above in the historic correlations.
Baghdad's main shopping streets remain eerily dark and shuttered, but stolen booty clutters the sidewalks of outlying slums.
Why would Boies align himself with the other side of a case when the circumstances seem eerily similar?
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Three isolated concrete arches, the remnants of a piece of Soviet planning, stand eerily against a rock face.
The Apple store, usually a place of blinding lights and bustling hipness, was eerily and thankfully quiet.
Today's frenzy is eerily reminiscent of Japan's bull run a decade ago, right down to strikingly similar fever charts.
New Orleans, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, was eerily quiet after city officials ordered an evacuation.
With this heightened volatility, we were observant that this market behavior was eerily similar to market conditions in 2007.