When the oil-consuming economies snap back, the effect on oil prices and the knock-on effect on currencies and economies could be historic.
Plans to consider closing Dover Castle on week days in the winter have triggered fears of a knock-on effect on businesses in the town.
The report also found there was "no evidence of clear thinking" on how a decision to save money in one budget area might have a knock-on effect on costs elsewhere.
It is feared any potential benefits from the extra boost of 80bhp for up to six seconds each lap will initially be negated by the system's weight (on average 35kg) and its knock-on effect on balance, weight distribution and reliability, not to mention the cost and anxiety over its safety.
Gen Kayani is now banking on the hope that reconciliation among the Afghans will have a knock-on positive effect on the Pakistani Taliban also - depriving them of legitimacy and recruits.
"The season hasn't been great for farmers and that has had a knock-on effect for everyone, " she said.
This might also have a knock-on effect and delay future production runs of the device.
He said it would also impact the UK, which would have a knock-on effect.
The decline in travel has already had a knock-on effect on demand for fuel.
Mr Bowles said the panel's report would have a "knock-on effect to the people in the organisation".
Thursday's strong winds had a knock-on effect as many players were unable to complete their second rounds.
That is principally because economic uncertainty in South Korea has had a knock-on effect in Sri Lanka.
For the securities class-action business, the knock-on effect is that the number of suits filed has dropped precipitously.
But if you are not getting over the gain line and getting gang-tackled, it has a knock-on effect.
The airport experienced delays and cancellations due to the knock-on effect of weather problems at other UK airports.
And there should also be a positive knock-on effect for the Scottish, Welsh and Irish rugby unions too.
With the decline in caribou comes a knock-on effect to native Inuit hunters, according to the report's authors.
For Kant, though, the real achievement will be the undertaking's economic knock-on effect.
It said vaccination could have lessened the ferocity of the disease and thus the knock-on effect on other businesses.
We hope it will have a knock-on effect in terms of county membership.
So a company shut out of one market could suffer a devastating knock-on effect as successive obligations came due.
ECONOMIST: Problems in America's most efficient market for money
The collapse of unmetered services by well-known companies is having a knock-on effect.
All this has had a knock-on effect on the confidence of the industry.
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The knock-on effect is hurting internet services globally, said Prof Alan Woodward, a cybersecurity expert at the University of Surrey.
BBC: Global internet slows after 'biggest attack in history'
The spokeswoman advised customers of the possibility of long delays between Thursday and Saturday mornings due to a knock-on effect.
The knock-on effect is forcing their currencies up against the dollar and the euro, hurting exports and creating property bubbles.
The airport has been experiencing delays and cancellations due to the knock-on effect of weather problems at other UK airports.
BBC: Belfast City Airport runway temporarily closed due to snow
Mr Smith said the oil could "potentially affect the food chain and therefore have a knock-on effect on other wildlife".
The prospect of huge profits available to formula sellers in China has had a knock-on effect for retailers around the world.
Despite the history of confrontation in the Portadown area, the knock-on effect elsewhere has only been felt in more recent years.