To make them sensitive to the deflection caused by pressure, the researchers carved grooves in the fibres along their length so that the bouncing of the light was less efficient at the point where pressure was applied.
So as your house gets bigger, it has to be more energy efficient and at some point, it has to actually have on-site renewables.
The United Parcel Service has for decades followed Taylor's time-and-motion theories to make its internal operations highly efficient, to the point of measuring the paces between a double-parked truck and a customer's doorstep.
Given the enormous obligations of many Ivy League endowments to fund general university operations, their portfolios were positioned on the wrong point of the efficient frontier.
FORBES: How The Harvard And Yale Endowment Models Changed To Avoid A Repeat Of 2009
It was a tangled maze of poorly maintained back roads that were rarely the fastest or the most efficient way to get from point A to point B.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
Critics of the sectoral approach point out that however efficient industries might be, it does not help the climate if inventors keep dreaming up new ways to use energy - like Japan's electrically heated, stereophonic, bottom-washing toilets.
Horowitz elaborates that profits in the education sector can be expected to promote competition and innovation that lead to an increase in the quality of educational provision, better value for the customer, and a more efficient allocation of resources, a point that CCAP elaborated on it is 2010 study, For-Profit Higher Education: Growth, Innovation and Regulation.
Making them more and more efficient is not, after a certain point, actually desirable.
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We have reached the point where no matter how efficient we are there is simply no way to get everything on our To Do list done.
Thirdly (and closely related to the second point), under the efficient market hypothesis, no investor should ever be able to beat the market, or the average annual returns that all investors and funds are able to achieve using their best efforts.
Her point: Private charities are more efficient than government and tend to police their donor dollars more carefully.
Boeing says the aircraft is 20% more fuel-efficient than similar sized airliners, a selling point for airlines for whom fuel costs are their biggest operational expense.
First, distributed energy generation is enabling efficient, decentralized energy production close to the point of use by consumers, integrating energy generation more fully into our homes, offices, and factories.
Unlike traditional "centralized" systems, distributed energy relies on small power-generating technologies like solar panels or ultra-efficient natural-gas turbines built near the point of energy consumption to supplement or displace grid-distributed electricity.
"A joint anti-piracy association benefits all parties involved by reducing costs, co-ordinating more efficient anti-piracy strategies and giving authorities an effective point of contact, " CIAPC says online.
The point-based system will provide a more efficient and effective avenue to allow highly-skilled immigrants to remain in the U.S. and help propel the U.S. into an innovative economy.
FORBES: Why America's Flawed Immigration Laws Have Me On The Road To Self-Deportation
The site aims to help shoppers decide on what kind of fuel-efficient cars are most compatible with their lifestyles, then point shoppers to those models for sale on eBay.
Mr. STEVE HINCHMAN (Conversation Law Foundation): And as consumers realize, they have a choice to buy a clean car that's 20 to 50 percent more efficient, we're going to hit a tipping point where it will no longer make economic sense for Detroit to continue making the dirty version of the car.
To make hospitals truly efficient, information technology needs to be interconnected and applied at each point of care.
Also important, this processing power combined with advanced digital radio interface and signaling capabilities enables small-cell base stations to operate in a more efficient and dynamic mesh network, as opposed to a relatively static, point-to-point macro only system.
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And everybody drives Hummers until finally gas gets so crazy and at a certain point people start saying maybe I should get a more fuel-efficient car.
The point is not to overreach, but to make these objectives feasible in an efficient manner.
The day before his Dec. 1 swearing-in, Pena Nieto and his team got the three main political parties to sign a 94-point national legislative agenda known as the Pact for Mexico that promises everything from efficient harvesting of rainwater to opening Mexico's behemoth state oil company to private and foreign investment.
Each point on this line represents a potential portfolio that can be built from allocations of the most efficient assets.
That is largely because it is a tax efficient savings scheme that allows you to put aside some of this year's income to use at some point in the future.
More to the point, the bulk of health reform that deals with making our health care system more effective and efficient includes many common-sense provisions that have had bipartisan support for years.
"The whole point is to take a gas guzzler off the road and replace it with a newer, more fuel efficient model, " Wood said.