New EU legislation will ban the use of battery cages for egg-laying hens from 2012.
An EU ban on battery cages saw better conditions for egg-laying hens.
The FDA is doing a major inspection of egg-laying operations as a result.
And almost nine in ten of 32m egg-laying hens are kept in cages.
Two long-beaked echidnas, primitive egg-laying mammals, even allowed scientists to pick them up and bring them back to their camp to be studied, he added.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Science team finds 'lost world'
Experts at the reserve said that despite high winds and an intruder osprey in the vicinity, the female osprey had been "showing signs of egg-laying behaviour".
Ideally, when a chick becomes a candidate to become an egg-laying hen, it is put in a clean environment with clean water and feed, he said.
Modern mammals divide into three overarching groups: the placentals (most species, including man), the marsupials (kangaroos and their like) and the monotremes (the egg-laying platypus and echidnas).
Because egg-laying flocks are closely bred, they lack genetic variety.
Pohlmann sold the egg-laying business to Ohio Fresh, a partnership ostensibly controlled by Donald Hershey and Orland Bethel, whose egg operations in Gettysburg, Pa. had run afoul of environmental authorities.
She said it was estimated that 30% of the EU egg-laying flock would still be in conventional cages by 2012, and that she had been pressing the EU Commission to ensure local producers were not disadvantaged.
Given that the hen is likely, sooner or later, to meet a hungry fox, there is little point in it having a body which can repair itself perfectly particularly if the resources for that repair come at the expense of egg-laying.
It follows last week's "puzzling" behaviour by the bird, who showed all the tell-tale signs of egg laying before completely changing her behaviour.
BBC: 'Oldest' breeding osprey lays 62nd egg at Loch of the Lowes