This turned out to be a distance of twenty-six miles three hundred and eighty-five yards.
By 2004, the special fund had grown to three hundred and eighty-five million dollars annually.
The distance patients can walk two days after surgery has increased from fifty-three to eighty-five feet.
Eighty-five-year-old Elena Griffing hasn't taken a sick day on her job at an Oakland, Calif.
Among elderly patients, use of intensive-care units fell by more than eighty-five per cent.
Eighty-five percent of those surveyed employed had reported that they were more understanding of employment gaps post-recession.
Three hundred and eighty-five days after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, the boycott ended.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
Eighty-five percent of TiVo homes skip most ads and can watch a half-hour sitcom in 23 minutes.
When Arthur Andersen had imploded, in 2002, Piasecki, along with eighty-five thousand other employees, had lost his job.
Eighty-five percent of what you spend has to actually be for health services.
WHITEHOUSE: Tele-Town Hall: The Affordable Care Act & Seniors
Eighty-five percent of teens believe their parents deal with passenger issues while driving, while 70 percent of parents say they do.
Today, with carbon dioxide levels at three hundred and eighty-five parts per million, the disruptive impacts of climate change are already apparent.
Eighty-five million smart phones will be sold this year with GPS built in, eight times the number of in-car and portable navigation devices.
Eighty-five percent said that "student growth over the course of the academic year" should be a factor in how their performance is measured.
Eighty-five people were killed and some 300 injured when a car bomb exploded outside the cultural centre run by the Israeli-Argentine Mutual Association (Amia).
Eighty-five percent of our connects each month come from the dial-up world, and 8% to 10% of people are new to the Internet entirely.
Eighty-five percent - 85 percent - say that the major reason for the Democratic success was a disapproval of the handling -of the president's handling of Iraq.
NPR: The Issue of Iraq Policy Change Takes Hold in Washington
In 1940, the acceptance rate at Harvard was eighty-five per cent.
Through the nineteen-sixties and seventies, it was not unusual for the three major networks to capture eighty-five to ninety per cent of the available prime-time audience.
After receiving sex-offender treatment at the Butner Federal Correctional Institute, in North Carolina, eighty-five per cent of the men confessed that they had committed physical sex crimes, too.
Pope claims that these organizations are independent of his control, but, on average, the Pope family foundation supplies them with more than eighty-five per cent of their funds.
Eighty-five percent of a store is dedicated to selling space.
Eighty-five percent of iPhone users surf the Web regularly, compared to just 58% for other smart phone users, and 13% on regular phones, according to a study by M:Metrics.
By 1996, eighty-five per cent of La Crosse residents who died had written advanced directives, up from fifteen per cent, and doctors almost always knew of and followed the instructions.
Eighty-five percent of Duchenne patients have the exon-skipping gene.
FORBES: In A First, An Experimental Drug May Help Boys With Muscular Dystrophy
Eighty-five percent of those polled said the president's speech made them more optimistic about the direction of the country over the next few years, with 11 percent indicating the speech made them more pessimistic.
When Beattie Ashmore, the court-appointed receiver, took over operations in June 2012, he discovered that only eighty-five 1000-ounce silver bars had been purchased since 2009, and of that minimal quantity, only sixty-four bars remained.
Eighty-five people were murdered in the attack, and still Italy maintained its agreement with the PLO to the point where it prosecuted and imprisoned the wrong people for the worst terrorist attack in Italian history.
Eighty-five percent of those students were the first in their family to do so. (Applause.) Your math and science scores are consistently higher than other Boston schools, and the attendance rate here is 94 percent.