Outside, everyone looks busy, from elderly ladies selling socks to young men welding pipes and repairing used electronics.
She found a program in Philadelphia at which elderly people will work with toddlers.
Then he found six elderly people with arthritis and gave them a month's worth of juice.
Some of the people who might be called to testify were now elderly, with faulty memories.
He said Lenten Pool was a residential area which included sheltered housing for the elderly.
What, exactly is the plan for cutting these benefits to the elderly and disabled poor?
"It can be very hard sometimes to take care of elderly parents, " Goodyear said.
Pottow finds that elderly bankrupts themselves point to credit card debt as the problem.
FORBES: Credit Card Debt Blamed For Surge In Elder Bankruptcy
He said that often elderly patients required extensive community care after breaking a hip.
Dr Seeman found that elderly people with high degrees of social engagement had lower allostatic loads.
ECONOMIST: The latest from the wacky world of anti-senescence therapy
An elderly couple died when they were unable to escape from a fire in their home.
One elderly patient had to wait 90 minutes for a call back from NHS 111.
One guy who was maybe in his 30s and he was with two elderly pit bulls.
In 2008, over 90% of non-elderly Americans with private insurance received it through their workplace.
His elderly mother is said to have been very excited and happy to see him again.
Transport Scotland said it had worked hard to guarantee the elderly free bus travel.
After all, emigration leaves them with fewer workers to pay for supporting the elderly.
Britain is one of the worst in Europe for negative attitudes to the elderly.
The answer: massive, insoluble budget deficits, and worse health outcomes for the poor and elderly.
Roy Beggs, Ulster Unionist Party MLA for East Antrim, asked "why elderly residents weren't treated better".
An elderly woman pushes through the crowds hauling behind her a cart filled with vegetables.
One of the greatest tragedies a decent society can experience is the abandonment of its elderly.
This alerts organisations, including Age UK, to the health risks to elderly and ill people.
This is what terrifies many Americans, disabled and elderly, who live with chronic and disabling illness.
FORBES: Does Obamacare really cut Medicare Benefits to Senior Citizens?
Concerns have been raised about the planned closure of a hospital for the elderly.
Partway through, it would become clear that the elderly woman had misunderstood the issue.
As their savings dwindled, the couple relied in part on help from their elderly parents.
In a final attempt, he called a company that built houses for the elderly.
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Elderly victims and the defendants themselves (the others are over 75) may thwart it by dying.
Proposed cuts at the Conservative-controlled council include services for children, the elderly and beaches.