With jobs available domestically, analysts say many Indonesians were are electing to stay at home.
Voters in Croatia are electing members of the European Parliament for the first time.
Italian party leaders earlier urged parliament to "show unity" in re-electing widely-respected Mr Napolitano.
Oddly, voters may end up electing a government keener on tax cuts than they themselves are.
ECONOMIST: Tax cuts emerge as a central issue in the election campaign
The people are electing the person at the top of the ticket, not them.
The stand-off led to the villagers ousting the existing village committee and electing new leaders.
She dismissed it as "just normal kid behavior, " electing to work with Aden more at home.
WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?
Some undecided voters may just be merrily humming Kumbaya en route to re-electing him.
The idea of electing countries to five-year terms as semi-permanent members has several supporters.
ECONOMIST: Africa wants a seat, but can't agree who should sit in it
In electing their mayor, Angelenos were given a choice between two very different types.
Ms. Jolie's disclosure comes as growing numbers of women are electing to have healthy breasts removed protectively.
Marilyn Musgrave represents the eastern side of Colorado, a state that has lately been electing more Democrats.
We have a system in the United States for electing the President that has three major flaws.
In Tokyo and Osaka last year, they demonstrated their disgust by electing former comedians as city governors.
He has learned that electing one agent of change, no matter how powerful, just won't cut it.
For some reason, Missourans show remarkable hostility to city slickers when it comes to electing their governor.
And local issues often loom larger than the national economy when it comes to electing a congressman.
The visitors had managed 235-6 in their 50 overs, having won the toss and electing to bat.
In addition to electing Mr. Lin as village committee head, six others were elected to the governing committee.
Weeks later a conclave of cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel, electing him pope on April 19, 2005.
Arkansas officials quickly claimed that the administration was punishing the state for electing a Democratic governor last November.
Instead of trying to comply, they are electing to opt out so as not to encounter heavy federal fines.
Six years ago, one observer here says, a lot of women thought they were electing Oprah, a perfect person.
Which was more important: electing the first African-American President or the first woman?
For the people of Massachusetts, it's about electing somebody that will represent their interests in the United States Senate.
There are 43 constituencies, with each electing either three, four or five candidates.
By electing Cruz over Dewhurst, and by a whopping 14-point spread, Texans are sending their own message to Washington.
FORBES: Explaining Ted Cruz's Texas Victory: We Don't Want No Stinkin' Compromise
It has nine constituencies and seven regional seats, electing 16 members in all.
The constitutional convention said this should be done by Parliament electing the head of state by a two-thirds majority.
ECONOMIST: Australia: A republic, but not at any price | The
We need to be electing more Hispanics that are represented by Hispanic districts.