What is more, in the pre-election campaigning, real policy issues are coming to the fore.
During election campaigning, the Salafists' hard-line interpretation of Islam drew a lot of media attention.
The election campaigning is over, the billboards on the streets are removed, and the election jingles are silenced.
One concern - apparently addressed in the new justice ministry motion - is an article restricting election campaigning to state media alone.
But this time around, economists say the tit-for-tat between the leading candidates is little more than election campaigning and masks the fact that they have made similar commitments.
As will Democrats, when the general election campaigning begins.
He warned the lists might constitute a violation of election laws. (Such civil action is legal until election campaigning formally starts, which is June 12.) The New Komeito party, a coalition partner of the LDP, sent Wave 21 a note hinting it may file a defamation suit.
In recent elections, Democrats have won statewide election by campaigning on those sort of workaday issues, such as education and health care.
CNN: latimes.com: The South is crucial for Bush but straying
Mr Taylor, nicknamed "the Grizz" for his bear-like no-nonsense style, made an unsuccessful run for the Republican nomination in the 1996 US presidential election, campaigning on a pro-business ticket.
Passing legislation to allow same-sex marriage was one of Hollande's election pledges in campaigning last year.
Mr Putin's sway over the Duma will depend more on his negotiating skills after the election than on campaigning before it.
Lula, who turned Ms Rousseff from a back-room technocrat into an election winner by campaigning at her side, has found his queen-making power has limits.
Political analysts probably see Bradley's height as an element that would be listed on the pro-running side of the ledger: in almost every election since political campaigning was transformed into a made-for-television activity, the taller candidate has won.
Mr Obama scored a decisive re-election victory in part campaigning for raising taxes on higher incomes.
BBC: Can Washington learn from Californian budget compromise?
The 1996 election saw Bill Clinton campaigning his way across America by rail.
CNN: Amtrak train: No better way to connect with U.S. voters
Exactly a week away from election day, and campaigning is on pause.
Nothing better illustrates the enduring lawlessness and impunity here in eastern DR Congo than the case of Ntabo Ntaberi Cheka, a militia leader wanted for allegedly organising mass rapes, who is openly campaigning for election as a local MP.
All eight political parties that form the interim government promised to begin campaigning for the election.
Whatever the emir's motives in holding an election, most Qataris took to campaigning with glee.
There were bits of user-generated campaigning during the 2008 election but none gained a life of its own online.
And the immigration question is certain to present a major challenge for the politicians now campaigning for a general election.
Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who is actively campaigning for re-election in next month's general election, set off a chorus of outrage this week.
The next governor, whether it is Mr Schwarzenegger, Mr Bustamante or Mr Davis, may find that running California is rather like campaigning for a recall election: a wild and often exasperating ride.
While Obama's candidacy does mirror Clinton's in many ways, it is perhaps most similar to that of Republican Ronald Reagan, who promised hope and change when he was campaigning for the 1980 election.
Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, who is campaigning for re-election on May 17th but not, according to the polls, doing well, ordered the closure of three offices in Orient House , the Palestinians' de facto headquarters in East Jerusalem.
The assembly will be dissolved at midnight and politicians can start campaigning for a 7 March election.
It is now a custom that during a presidential election year the two candidates refrain from campaigning on September 11.
It was also looking to get lawmakers' approval for a program that would ensure cheap food grains to two-thirds of India's population and provide a major campaigning plank for the general election.
WSJ: Two India Ministers Resign Over Corruption-Related Cases