He began donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican National State Election Committee.
The first checks are to be sent out by the Federal Election committee on January 2, 2004.
Suleiman entered the race just hours before the Sunday deadline, said Hatem Bjato, who heads the election committee.
The results still need to be certified by the Israeli central election committee.
The executive officer of the presidential election committee, Hatem Bagato, said the committee will decide on Abu Ismael's fate within days.
Omar Suleiman, the intelligence chief of deposed strongman Hosni Mubarak, formally entered the race just hours before the deadline, said Hatem Bjato, who heads the election committee.
But corporate America isn't throwing its full weight behind the movement, according to data from the Federal Election Committee and the Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign finance watchdog.
Filings on campaign fund raising were due to the Federal Election Committee on April 15, and reporters and campaign watchdog groups have spent days combing through the FEC's filings.
The Central Election Committee reported Wednesday that 99% of votes had been counted and verified, but the count of votes from members of the military and prisoners won't be final for a couple of days.
But as the two-week nomination period for the election opened this week, it seemed likely that two further candidates would receive the endorsement of at least 150 election-committee members, and so qualify as candidates.
Six months after his party won a general election, the committee has yet to be re-established.
Whoever was in power after the next election, the committee said, should establish independent commissions to examine how pension and savings provisions could be increased, how equity release could be better exploited and how funding for social care could be improved.
BBC: UK woefully underprepared for ageing society, say peers
One of the most important agenda items of the General Assembly is the election of new Executive Committee.
Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, chairwoman of the Agriculture Committee, lost her re-election bid, but there are still three female committee chairwomen: Sen.
CNN: Despite new female faces in Congress, numbers in decline
The key change was to alter the way the election of members of the committee is conducted.
But Deputy Torode spoke out against the committee in his election speech.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Guernsey | Deputy unsure over States future
This helped make possible the pre-election national agreement between the two parties on constitutional reform, and Mr Blair's post-election establishment of a cabinet committee on which both Labour ministers and Lib Dems sit.
ECONOMIST: New Labour��s gurus: Redesigning Britain’s constitution | The
Bush's thinking: In 2002, she did about a half-dozen fundraisers for Republicans, then she upped the ante with far more appearances during her husband's 2004 re-election campaign, culminating in more than 50 political events for the Republican National Committee and individual candidates in the final midterm election during the Bush administration.
The articles of impeachment had already emerged from the House Judiciary Committee prior to the election.
The review will be the first carried out by the Scrutiny Committee since the general election in April 2012.
The survey results reflect some response to the election and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) statement, but not enough to draw conclusions from it.
On Monday, the Republican National Committee announced its 2012 election postmortem, which called for, among other things, an aggressive new push to reach minorities in the states.
"I hope that the decision he has made will be to the benefit of the game in Europe as a whole, as he seeks election to UEFA's Executive Committee, " United's co-chairman, Joel Glazer, said.
It was no secret that Mr Ibrahim hoped to organise an independent committee to monitor the coming election.
As a result, this year's election to the SGPC presidency and executive committee has turned into a major confrontation.
She was removed from the Treasury committee following Labour's election victory in 1997 and turned her guns on her own party.
Despite these and many other slips into the fringe, Broun was uncontested in his most recent election and serves on the House Science Committee.
And there's a second way in which it might be changed: half way through the Parliament - so in about June, I assume - the chair and members of the backbench committee will face re-election.
In conformity with Article 6.3 of the Convention, the term of office of half of the States Members of the Committee elected at the first election shall be limited to two years and half shall have a term of four years.
They are not going to face cuts in an election year, said a top Senate Budget Committee staff aide.