In 2004, an anonymous Minnesota elector voted for John Edwards instead of John Kerry.
The elector's name does not even appear on the ballot in nearly all states.
However, he remains a Cardinal Elector which will enable him to vote for Pope Benedict's successor.
"The thing that characterizes a cardinal is to be an elector of the pope, " he told reporters.
But in the event of a razor-thin finish, or a 269-vote tie, every elector will suddenly wield great power.
Matthews says he was an elector for Clinton in the last presidential election.
How did District of Columbia elector Barbara Lett-Simmons register a protest this year?
Here the most important type of elector may not be swing voters but those too furious to vote at all.
C. elector Barbara Lett-Simmons abstained from casting her electoral vote as a protest against the District's lack of voting representation in Congress.
Fewer than one elector in four made it to the polls, and voters in Labour seats were particularly reluctant to leave their living rooms.
He wants to replace single districts with a chamber that is partly chosen from districts and partly through proportional representation, each elector having two votes.
Venezuela uses electronic voting machines which register an elector's decision and then emit a printed receipt for the voter to deposit into a sealed ballot box.
The costs of allowing each of the main campaign organisations - Yes Scotland and Better Together - a free mailshot to every elector or household in Scotland.
The painting remained in relative obscurity until August III, the Elector of Saxony, mounted a campaign to buy the work and bring it to Dresden in 1754.
Following a visit by George I, who was also Elector of Hanover, he was invited to England where he lived, as a curiosity in the King's court where "his strange appearance and erratic behaviour caused a sensation".
Undeterred, at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, when the Palatine territories were partly restored to the heir, Charles Louis, the new Elector Palatine set about rebuilding the great library, which once again gained an international reputation for its depth and breadth.
BBC: A Point of View: Why didn't Harry Potter just use Google?
Having spent time in Italy and learnt how to write Italian operas, he accepted a post as Kapellmeister to the elector of Hanover when he was 25, but was soon off moonlighting in London, putting on Italian operas for a receptive audience.
That echoed his efforts to define the early days of his pontificate through gestures of humility, taking the minibus instead of the papal motorcade and stopping by the hotel he used as a cardinal elector to collect his bags and pay the bill.
When the Catholic Habsburgs defeated the Protestant Palatine Elector Frederick V in 1620, they reduced Heidelberg Castle to ruins and carried off the contents of the library as spoils of war - by this time totalling over 3, 500 manuscripts and 13, 000 printed works - to the Vatican Library in Rome where they remain to this day.
BBC: A Point of View: Why didn't Harry Potter just use Google?