America's first black president secured more than the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to win.
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But all this anti-Electoral College agitation avoids the fundamental question: Should we keep the Electoral College?
Let's call it 51%-48%, with Mr. Romney carrying at least 279 Electoral College votes, probably more.
Today, as the Electoral College votes are cast and counted state-by-state, we will be reminded why.
New Hampshire, with its four Electoral College votes, will virtually disappear from the national political radar.
When presidential elections are close, the Electoral College is a clear way to determine the winner.
That's because the Diamonds market merchandise from a rather exclusive school: the Electoral College.
The primary system works alongside the Electoral College to disenfranchise large swaths of voters.
What provisions are made in the Electoral College rules for electors who are unable to vote?
For the record, history teachers, Shea is not a fan of the electoral college.
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Furthermore, any attempt to abolish the Electoral College will be met with strong Republican opposition.
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Trashing the Electoral College as undemocratic has always been an easy thing to do.
Nevertheless Gore has renounced any attempt to fiddle with the results in the Electoral College.
The party's electoral college consists of party members, MPs, and trade unions and other affiliated bodies.
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In 1960 the popular vote was a virtual tie but Kennedy won the Electoral College 303-219.
Florida's deadline for choosing its electors to cast electoral college ballots is Dec. 12.
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Replacing the Electoral College with a nationwide popular vote would be a huge mistake.
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The Electoral College is quickly becoming one of the most antiquated institutions in the United States.
But the Pennsylvania play would undermine the integrity the Electoral College, which is already fairly unpopular.
The Basic Law says only that the chief is picked by an electoral college of 800 members.
How does the Electoral College affect the political strength of the two-party system in the United States?
Under the Electoral College system, each state is worth a certain number of electoral votes based on population.
Ever since the 2000 Presidential Election, powerful movements have been afoot to alter or abolish the Electoral College.
In no case did any state that does not tax personal income lose a single Electoral College vote.
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Pennsylvania, with 20 electoral college votes, has long been seen as a vital swing state in presidential elections.
Which leads to another important point: The Electoral College usually dampens postelection conflicts when a vote is close.
R. defeated the Republican, Alf Landon, yet again breaking a record in the electoral college: 523 to 8.
In 1960, for example, the popular vote was a virtual tie, but the Electoral College tally was decisive.
But, so far the best polling science models out there paint a different picture for the Electoral College.
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But Ohio only matters if the Electoral College vote is close enough for Ohio to decide the winner.