The Electoral Commission has alerted the Met about "potential fraudulent registration of voters" in Tower Hamlets.
The Electoral Commission said the 2011 Holyrood poll was "well administered", but warned against future complacency.
According to the electoral commission, some 80% of eligible voters have registered to do so.
At first the IEBC, Kenya's electoral commission, said the system may have been overloaded.
Zimbabwe's electoral commission released the first result Wednesday from a recount of 23 legislative districts.
Georgia's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) said there had been no grave violations during the voting.
The Electoral Commission confirmed that a candidate could not withdraw from the election after 24 October.
Both agree on an electoral commission to report within a year of the election.
The MDC is demanding fresh elections, to be organised by an independent electoral commission.
Jordan's electoral commission has announced that early parliamentary elections will be held on 23 January.
But the Belgrade Electoral Commission, confirming the Supreme Court's ruling, said the case was closed.
Egypt's electoral commission acknowledged that it received complaints of voter intimidation, bribery and other violations.
It took over a month for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to announce the first-round results.
Instead, the electoral commission said it would start recounting votes in 23 constituencies on April 19th.
The Electoral Commission will advise on whether that is comprehensible and fair, having conducted a study.
But four committee members voted against the idea, which has also been criticised by the Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Commission said the voting system was still open to abuse despite measures to prevent it.
Allegations of postal vote fraud in Tower Hamlets were also made to the Electoral Commission in 2010.
The Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, spelled out the details in a statement on its Web site.
The Electoral Commission, consisting of three politicians and three members of the public, has released its findings.
He said he welcomed a review of what went wrong in the elections by the Electoral Commission.
Turnout was as low as 12% in some areas, prompting a critical review by the Electoral Commission.
The Electoral Commission called in Scotland Yard after allegations of postal vote scams in Tower Hamlets last year.
The Electoral Commission promised to set out new rules for ballot paper design, including how parties describe themselves.
Jenny Watson, Electoral Commission chairwoman, said the low turnout was "a concern for everyone who cares about democracy".
BBC: Police commissioners: Poll challenge too great - Michael
Publishing the details, the Electoral Commission, said it ensured there was transparency in the democratic process in Wales.
The electoral commission said 2.28 million of the 3.7 million people eligible to vote had registered by Monday.
An independent, statutory body such as an electoral commission to allocate party political broadcasts seems the obvious solution.
The electoral commission's deputy head, Sandra Oblitas, said that the result was "irreversible".
Opposition front-runner John Tembo received about 1.2 million votes, the Electoral Commission said.