The XLII backstory is compelling, but what elevates this Super Bowl is how unpredictable it appears.
Social innovation elevates community solutions to create jobs, drive economic recovery and revitalize communities.
The mayors' friendly wager further elevates the role of community service within the Super Bowl's activities.
At the touch of a remote control, the top of the cabinet withdraws and the television elevates.
WSJ: The Battle of the Boudoir | How to Achieve Design Harmony in the Bedroom
" To quote Mr. Malkin, "branding elevates the Empire State Building to a world-wide standard of excellence.
WSJ: The Empire State Building's Luster Returns | By Ada Louise Huxtable
Good listening is one of those easily forgotten behaviors that elevates you from being good to great.
She elevates a humble sweatshirt to fashion territory by embellishing with motifs like crosses and religious figures.
FORBES: Filipino Designers Show Talent At New York Fashion Week
Because he had been unable to walk, a podium that elevates is being designed for his use.
Ask yourself if your packaging appropriately represents you and your brand, and elevates your content to the next level.
There, he delights in poking fun at endemic gastronomic stereotypes, but instead of rejecting that legacy wholesale, Patterson elevates it.
Taking full advantage of every screen on which you enjoy music, Xbox Music elevates your music experiences with striking visuals.
These are flabbergasting amounts of money, and it only makes sense that it elevates the partners who are writing the checks.
We need more Jon Stewarts and I think his march to restore sanity elevates the discussion not trvializes it as the author indicates.
FORBES: Million Moderate March: Jon Stewart Rally To Take Washington
"There is no doubt that it elevates standing among peers, and the publicity reverberates through the town or city, " Ungaro said last week.
To make taking great pictures even easier, the D3100 elevates Nikon COOLPIX technology and incorporates an Auto Scene Selector feature in Live View.
ENGADGET: Nikon D3100 gets real, adds 1080p movie mode with continuous autofocus
The end result is that the arc caused by consumerization of IT that dramatically elevates the significance of identity will itself transform identity.
FORBES: Identity: the Intersection of Cloud, Mobile and Social
The field is so competitive that having these degrees gives a comfort level to prospective clients and elevates a young person above others.
Yet the sheer creative verve with which Armstrong elevates even silly songs to artistic distinction is a lesson in the spontaneous magic of jazz.
ECONOMIST: Our pick of the best, including music by Abdullah Ibrahim
Whereas thought leadership constructs the scenarios that produce significant revenue opportunities, Millionaire Intelligence often ingeniously elevates these opportunities making them potentially spectacularly financially advantageous.
FORBES: Thought Leadership + Millionaire Intelligence = A Significant Personal Fortune
Such a report would surely reach the conclusion that a gun in the home greatly elevates risks of suicide, lethal accident and fatal domestic violence.
That is why stalemate on the budget may be the trigger that elevates achieving economic growth through monetary reform to the top of the political agenda.
FORBES: The Budget Stalemate Shows The Need For Monetary Reform
On a recent visit to their Chicago headquarters, I was awestruck at how every touchpoint, so simply and precisely, elevates the impression of the Morningstar brand.
Dynamic Scanning elevates image sharpness to another level by speeding up response time and eliminating blur even in the fastest action scenes to deliver the clearest picture possible.
ENGADGET: LG's 55-inch OLED HDTV ships in Korea next week, has 100 pre-orders so far
In this recipe, the chef elevates what he calls "delicious peasant food" with two Moroccan-inflected sauces: a lime-coriander yogurt and a tapenade made with dates and Lucques olives.
WSJ: Sardines With Tapenade and Lime-Coriander Yogurt | Slow Food Fast
At the end of the day, implementing this blend of tactics will be what changes the in-store dynamic, elevates the customer experience and ultimately, minimizes the impact of showrooming.
In a handy bar graph, Moody's makes clear that government "systemic support" is still a significant factor that elevates the credit rating of every big bank in its review.
Turning a too big store into a small mall filled with brands both new and old that resonate with shoppers in a way that elevates the shopping experience, is a good plan.
The LUMIX GH2 elevates the company's revolutionary LUMIX G Series, its line of Digital Single Lens Micro (DSLM) cameras that deliver professional-level features and performance in a compact and easy-to-use camera body.
Exercise elevates heart rate much more than mental stress does, meaning the effects of mental stress on the heart may be caused by adrenaline impacting the heart cells, the study authors said.
Because regardless of what political party in which you may find yourself, it is hard to deny that she elevates our political discourse in ways that few, if any, others do on the contemporary stage.