Enduring three films of Elijah Wood almost turned me off to Tolkien forever.
"Anyone will tell you the villain roles are the more fun roles, " said Reubens, who plays opposite Elijah Wood's hero Beck.
Cast Elijah Wood as the med student and Christopher Walken as the crazed and sometimes headless professor and it spells instant hit.
The handsome star is almost unrecognizable in the movie. (Based on the posters, many people even thought it was Elijah Wood playing the Mad Hatter).
Breaking with E3 tradition, the company gave previews of its Xbox 360 more than a week before the show began with a half-hour special on MTV hosted by actor Elijah Wood.
Sir Ian McKellen returns as Gandalf the Grey, the character he played in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, with Elijah Wood as Frodo and Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield.
As with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit opens with a scene not present in the original story: re-meeting older Bilbo (Ian Holm) and a heartbreakingly innocent Frodo (Elijah Wood).
FORBES: Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected, But Very Welcome, Journey
By a twist of fate, he stays frozen for over fifty years, emerging with enough of his Dudley Do-Right manliness intact to impress single mom Jamie Lee Curtis, her young son Elijah Wood, and even her dull suitor Nicholas Surovy.
Many hours after Gandalf (Ian McKellen) showed up in the Shire and arranged for the transportation of a significant piece of personal jewelry, Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) staggers to the brink of Mount Doom and prepares, if he can muster the will, to cast the One Ring into the flames.
"Frodo lives, " declared the flower children's buttons in the 1960s, but everyone here lives vividly, from Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn, Ian McKellen's Gandalf, Orlando Bloom's Legolas, Sean Astin's Sam and Elijah Wood's Frodo to Miranda Otto's radiant Lady Eowyn, who delivers, with joyous understatement, the movie's most rousing line: "I am no man!"