On a ridge a few miles away, we spot a herd of 40 grazing elk.
Back on Kimball Mountain, with trigger pulled, the elk herd disperses, except for my cow.
After nearly a half-hour, we finally spot the elk feeding on a nearby ridge.
Among the cottages, the three-bedroom Columbine has spectacular panoramas over the Elk River valley.
The wolf, the elk, the moose and bear were fighting over too little land.
But for a month now I have wondered one thing: was killing that elk ethical?
Well, there is a Lakota holy man--there was a Sioux Lakota holy man named Black Elk.
Last night they did a fairly successful burnout along the Elk Creek Main Boulder Road Drainage.
To Regan and Katz, there is no difference between these birds and the elk.
Then, in 1861, they moved west, to the Dakota Territory, near present-day Elk Point, South Dakota.
Giant elk are known to have existed right across Europe since 400, 000 years ago.
Besides the bison, we saw elk and moose, coyote, trumpeter swans and even a wolf.
There are bison and elk heads on the walls and other animal skins on the ceiling.
Elk Tooth may be a dump, but it is one that nurtures a sense of individualism.
After a seminar at Elk Creek Ranch in Idaho, Williams reversed his role, the group charged.
The chief executive of Black Elk, John Hoffman, previously worked for BP, having left in 1999.
This month, Black Elk began work on a 23-well drilling program in the Gulf of Mexico.
They enabled man to travel during the winter and hunt reindeer and elk across the frozen tundra.
So the ranchers complained, and so did the hunters, who were losing elk and moose to wolves.
Then I accompanied Todd to Grand Junction, where we dropped the elk off at the meat processor.
Nearby lay a dead female elk, its stomach ripped open - an early-morning feast for the wolves.
Government officials determined the annual hunt must continue, since it helps control the size of elk herds.
There, on a ridge maybe 400 yards away, are dozens of elk heads and ears, silhouetted by the nascent sun.
The incident happened this morning on an oil production platform owned by Houston-based Black Elk Energy.
Their life is almost entirely self-sufficient: They keep livestock, hunt elk and the children are schooled at home.
Elk and bison populations increased dramatically because there was no natural predator to keep their numbers in check.
That might spare some Elk Point residents the 60-mile round-trip commute to jobs in Sioux City and Sioux Falls.
Killing that elk has changed the way I look at the greater world.
Elk, deer and wildlife are able to roam free on the UNESCO World Heritage Site, which opened in 1925.
The third group suffered the same indignity but, in addition, had elk saliva painted on to the torn surfaces.