For Justice Scalia that means, first and foremost, to elucidate the original meaning of the text.
The researchers hope that the system will uncover more "hiccuping" pulsars to help elucidate how they work.
Various explanations have sought to elucidate why some groups prosper whereas other peoples seem predestined for perpetual impoverishment.
Where those commitments contained more fancy than fact, the luckless politicians were interviewed and asked to elucidate their pledges.
All participants implicitly accepted the idea that methods used to analyse Homer, say, or German myths might elucidate the Koran.
To elucidate, they will be able to borrow an amount equal to their net lending, as calculated in that Heath-Robinson way.
"The next study for scientists will be to elucidate exactly what is happening in the hangover period with respect to inflammation, " he said.
Otherwise, she has not done much to elucidate a personal credo.
It is now essential that those audiences hear from American Moslem moderates and liberals who have lived through the issues and can elucidate on the realities.
To elucidate, an instruction to increase capital ratios yet more could have the opposite consequence desired by Sir Mervyn: it could encourage the banks to lend even less.
To elucidate, some banks have become too big and complicated to manage safely - which would perhaps be the lesson of the 2007-08 debacles at UBS, RBS and Citigroup, inter alia.
In a speech in Sydney last year, where she tried to elucidate the immigration issue, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said that the debate "should not be constrained by self-censorship or political correctness".
If her accent reflects her German origins and decades living in England, her tone expresses undiluted enthusiasm for the objects she gets to study and elucidate to students, faculty and the public at large.
Since they are better than anything else at bringing free radicals to a dead halt, fullerenes can elucidate precisely the roles the radicals play and why, like radicals everywhere, they make so much go wrong.
The lists of scientific mysteries stand as much as a testament to the discipline itself as to its inadequacy to deal with them: science has helped to elucidate where the difficulties lie and, so far, it has also been science that has addressed them.
Broadly what it comes down to (in terms that may seem unenlightening when stated baldly, but I will elucidate) is that EDF feels it needs an internal rate of return on Hinkley of 10%, and the Treasury fears that means it would make excessive profits.
It is an irony, though, that his adopted country is the one place in the developed world where the neoDarwinian explanations that he and his colleagues created are not the commonplace of the schoolbooks, and where many people prefer to cling to the campfire tales of Genesis, rather than face the awesome thesis that Mr Mayr helped to elucidate.