Engineers working in the field of pervasive computing are aiming to create smart fabrics, embedded with computer chips and sensors that will enhance and possibly even save our lives.
Boxee's software can be easily downloaded for free to any computer or embedded in living room devices.
ENGADGET: Boxee Box ditches NVIDIA's Tegra 2 for Intel CE4100, pre-orders start today at $199
Workers there are checking every piece of equipment to see which have embedded, data-dependent computer chips.
CNN: Year 2000 bug could be dangerous for hospitals, experts warn
The new version of the iPlayer has been written with Adobe's AIR technology which aims to make it possible to create applications that can be downloaded to your computer, rather than just embedded in browser web pages as is possible with the widely used Flash software.
Philippine authorities turned their investigation on the computer school after receiving 10 coded names, embedded in the "ILOVEYOU" virus, from U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents.
We hope you can please bear with us while we make these necessary changes and we assure you that information stored on your computer is simply to allow the current transitional embedded media player to work before we release a full AS3 player in early February.
GaN switches convert power at higher frequencies than traditional components and can be easily embedded in virtually any electrical system from consumer electronics products to computer servers, HVAC equipment, industrial motor drives, and inverters for solar panels and electric vehicles.
Among the other drama pickups (the only comedy, The IT Crowd, won't air until later in the season): Journeyman, about a newspaper reporter traveling through time, and Chuck, about a computer geek turned government agent who has spy secrets embedded in his brain.
Unlike the more powerful general purpose computing device such as the personal computer or, more recently, the smartphone, embedded devices are typically things like cars or thermostats which are only given a limited amount of computing power and memory to accomplish specific tasks.
Every doctor visit, diagnosis, lab test, prescription will be embedded in that chip, not on a server, but the customer can download the information on a computer.
FORBES: Can LifeNexus Succeed As A Personal Health Record Where Google Has Failed?
But look a little closer and you will notice several changes, including sensors and displays embedded in the furniture, which know when you arrive in the office and will automatically bring up your computer settings.