To wax eloquent about someone's embossed silver, sumptuous carpets or marble statuary was to indict him.
The first 250 emailers will all receive a bracelet embossed with the winning slogan.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Newsnight25 | Your Newsnight 25 slogans
The tole is embossed, hammered and formed, and then attached to stems fashioned of copper wire.
The process is hardly glamorous: new countries do not get an embossed birth certificate or a fanfare.
Beneath this is an HTC logo embossed at 90 degrees, and a Beats audio badge along the base.
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The seat cushions, which feature central inlay panels in a high-quality canvas material, display an embossed pattern that continues the saddle theme.
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Mine are embossed with the Eckhart quote above but blanks will do.
Another clue might be the box that held the medal, which is made from matchsticks and embossed with an anchor and a crown.
The rear is also where you'll find the 5-megapixel camera, embossed HTC logo, discreet Beats branding and drilled speaker holes at the bottom.
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Every driver wants to race a car that has the Prancing Horse embossed on the steering wheel, but your teammate will be Alonso.
It spans the width of the tablet, running from one speaker to the other and, along the way, has the word "kindle" embossed.
Technology guru George Gilder has not-so-facetiously suggested that when overseas graduate students complete their studies here, green cards should be embossed on their diplomas.
The 14-year veteran received several gifts from the club, including a Tiffany crystal, a Rolex watch, a painting and a stick embossed with silver.
In fact, foreign-born students in high-tech disciplines should have green cards embossed on their diplomas: If--when they graduate--they have a job offer, they should automatically get to stay.
At a news conference earlier this month, its representative stood writing in a green notebook embossed with the name of a former client of the firm: Lehman Brothers.
More an intellectual than a corporate titan, Vanderbilt created the Platonic ideal of a library: plush red chairs surrounded by built-in walnut bookcases filled with 10, 000 gold-embossed, leather-covered volumes in eight different languages.
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The exclusive character of these fenders is embodied by an integrated air vent made from clear-coated carbon fiber and a horizontal brace that spans the vent with embossed BRABUS signet and integrated LED lights.
The HTC brand is embossed in silver smack in the middle, and the Beats logo, speaker grille (an array of tiny machined holes) and certification details in fine print can be found in the bottom-center.
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The first in the series, the Stamp Act of 1765, required that materials which were printed and used in the colonies, like magazines and newspapers, be produced on stamped paper and embossed with revenue stamp.
The illusion is only broken when you see behind the wood panelling the iron support structure, embossed with the initials of the London Passenger Transport Board, from whom parts of Tube tunnel were borrowed to build the complex.
All those mentioned, and the rest of the first 250 to respond, will get a highly collectable embossed bracelet in Newsnight purple in the post (allow 28 days for delivery), and we'll hold a few in reserve to give out to viewers who send us interesting stories.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Newsnight25 | Your Newsnight 25 slogans
Iain Martin, of the Wall Street Journal, criticised the party's manifesto, which had the words 'an invitation to join the government of Great Britain' embossed on its cover, saying it "must have sounded like a great idea when Oliver Letwin and Steve Hilton came up with it but I can not imagine it flying in marginal Conservative seats".