Congressional Democrats will block passage, but the issue will then become embroiled in the elections.
McCain is embroiled in controversy over his attempt to withdraw from the primary public financing system.
CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing
Vint Cerf accepts that the company he now works for is embroiled in the patent wars.
Apple is also embroiled in legal battles with companies such as HTC Corp.
In fact, some of the groups here have been embroiled in lawsuits against one another.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: A New Consensus on Auto Emissions
Jackson has done it because he wants us to be be utterly embroiled in the story.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | A mighty end to Jackson's trilogy
Meanwhile, the rest of the main characters are embroiled in the war against Sauron's forces.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | A mighty end to Jackson's trilogy
The last big privacy disaster to get Google embroiled in class-action litigation was Buzz.
FORBES: I Spy With My Little Eye Another Multimillion Dollar Settlement In Google's Future
The two companies have been embroiled in a yearslong battle over the Miami airport concession.
WSJ: To Meet the Biggest Wrap Stars, Stroll Through the Miami Airport
On top of the business failures, the company has been embroiled in a power struggle.
FORBES: Onetime Solar Billionaire Shi Zhengrong Suffers Blow As Suntech Power Collapses
But counting beans has led to another controversy that the Weinsteins are currently embroiled in.
One unintended competitive race cropped up when Gary Condit became embroiled in a national scandal.
At this writing, the U.S. Senate is embroiled in the latest round of this fight.
The bank was also recently fined for being embroiled in a global rate-rigging scandal.
He becomes embroiled in a mystery when he meets a toy shop owner and his goddaughter.
The client didn't want to get embroiled in that struggle, and walked away from the deal.
Many execs at scandal-embroiled firms went to business school, where ethics classes are required.
The Manila-based carrier is embroiled in legal action for's wacky architects to cease and desist.
The issue has now become embroiled in a separate row and is subject to various investigations.
By reaching out to its diaspora, then, India's government risks becoming embroiled in their politics.
ECONOMIST: What India wants from its brethren abroad, and vice versa
Relations between the two men were excellent until they became embroiled in the Congo war.
With every country now embroiled in internal troubles, the result these days is diplomatic paralysis.
The United States will soon be embroiled in the campaign for next year's presidential elections.
Yet Turkey has enough trouble coping with the PKK, let alone getting embroiled in regime change.
ECONOMIST: Tests mount up for Turkey��s newly assertive foreign policy
Sean Quinn and his family have been embroiled in a high-profile legal battle with the IBRC.
But it is unlikely to be the last transatlantic row in which Europe's newcomers become embroiled.
ECONOMIST: The International Criminal Court: Choose your club, America says | The
The IRS, embroiled in a scandal over agents targeting tea party groups, got a day of quiet.
Apple is also embroiled in several lawsuits spanning various countries with Samsung Electronics over alleged patent infringement.
Several weeks ago, a friend referred a client prospect who was embroiled in a headline-making PR imbroglio.
In 2010 Gibson was embroiled in a controversial domestic abuse scandal with his now-estranged girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva.
FORBES: Robert Downey Jr. Asks Hollywood to Forgive Mel Gibson