The scientists used cross-pollination and seed embryotransfer technology to transfer some of the resilience of the ancient ancestor of wheat into modern British varieties.
In Belgium this understanding has resulted in laboratory costs for IVF and ICSI being reimbursed under a strict embryotransfer policy to secure the prevention of multiple pregnancies.
Dr Diane De Neubourg, from the Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Antwerp, presented work showing that single embryotransfer produces babies that are healthier than those born after multiple implantations.
She said she would recommend all European countries introduced the single embryotransfer as standard for women in this group - under 36, in their first or second cycles who have good quality embryos.
"Couples seeking IVF treatment should consider reaching some agreement about what is to happen to their embryos if they separate and also if the genetic father dies before transfer of the embryo to the woman, " she said.