Embryonic stem cell research has repeatedly raised ethical concerns and human eggs are a scarce resource.
At least a plurality of each group favors the use of embryonic stem cell research.
Tuesday's debate could be a dress rehearsal for the coming debate over embryonic stem cell research.
Biden is against public funding for abortions but would increase federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
"What we're going to be doing is trying to make the embryonic stem cell irrelevant, " says Thomas St.
The bigger question is what happens to all the NIH-funded embryonic stem cell research that is just getting started.
As for the future, all voters who are 18-29 years old favor embryonic stem cell research 71% to 17%.
Dr. RICHARD HYNES (co-Chair, Committee on Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, National Academy of Sciences): Good morning.
We're going to talk some more this morning about the ethical issues raised by human embryonic stem cell research.
But supporters of embryonic stem cell research said the issue is more complex.
Embryonic stem cell research, he argued, is the right, moral thing to do because it aims to relieve "human suffering".
The Tennessee Republican issued 10 principles he said must go hand-in-hand with any taxpayer funding for embryonic stem cell research.
"We've never changed our point of view, which is that embryonic stem cell treatments cannot ever be justified, " she said.
So the controversy over government funding of embryonic stem cell research quickly reaches into the unregulated domain of reproductive medicine.
Conservative groups had called upon Bush to stick to campaign promises to reject any federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
A. Non-embryonic stem cell lines involve cells that are more differentiated and thus less capable of being programmed into various cell lines.
For example, the Republican Party of Iowa is keenly interested in social issues such as abortion, marriage and embryonic stem cell research.
The embryonic stem cell research has also proved difficult, elusive for him.
But Josephine Quintavalle, director of Comment on Reproductive Ethics (Core), which opposes embryonic stem cell therapies, dismissed the research as "highly speculative".
Indeed, Verfaillie said, the embryonic stem cell work presented today by Ron McKay of the NIH is years ahead of her own.
Bush twice vetoed legislation -- in July 2006 and June 2007 -- that would have expanded federally funded embryonic stem cell research.
Social and religious conservatives are against abortion and embryonic stem cell research.
Geron's treatment for spinal cord injury was the first human embryonic stem cell therapy to receive FDA approval for a clinical trial.
Scientists hope human embryonic stem cell research will lead to treatments and cures for many diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer's and spinal cord injuries.
Nothing notable has occurred in embryonic stem cell research other than the scientific fraud committed by the infamous South Korean researcher Hwang Woo-suk.
Scientists and advocacy groups view embryonic stem cell research as perhaps the best hope for finding cures for debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
The case that halted all embryonic stem cell research was filed by James L. Sherley and Theresa Deisher, with the backing of anti-abortion groups.
Personally, I still think embryonic stem cell-based treatments are a decade or more away, but the cells are invaluable in other ways right now.
The Lancet study, which you can read here, was funded entirely by private funds due to U.S. government restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.
Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, an ardent opponent of embryonic stem cell research, promised to filibuster the spending bill until Specter dropped the broader stem cell language.