That is more than both the 10 billion euros in emergency aid the E.
Operation USA is providing emergency aid to the New Orleans area and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Meanwhile, UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos has arrived in Syria to assess the flow of emergency aid.
Because of this program, 7.5 million people were able to withstand the drought without seeking emergency aid.
In fact, sharp divisions have emerged on the specific question of what form such emergency aid should take.
Most of its 5m people had to depend for their food on emergency aid flights for a while.
Emergency aid has so far only reached about half of the affected families.
The declaration means federal emergency aid will supplement local recovery efforts.
But he repeated his decision to reject the idea of emergency aid.
BBC: Snow-hit farmers cash plea rejected by Welsh government
The hospital spent so much on things like emergency aid for border crossers it had to close its skilled nursing and maternity wards.
Emergency aid can only be released once a crisis has been formally declared, whereas development funding tends to follow rigid plans and timelines.
On Saturday, President George W. Bush declared a disaster area in 28 counties around Houston, making federal emergency aid available to the region.
Now the government has appealed to the United Nations for emergency aid, in a country where one in three children is chronically malnourished or stunted.
The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) is providing emergency aid to Kaziranga wildlife park in Assam, eastern India, where hundreds of animals have drowned in record floods.
Back in the real world, the Seoul government announced on Nov. 21 that it had made the gut-wrenching decision to seek emergency aid from the International Monetary Fund.
Smart phone applications such as Emergency Aid or In Case of Emergency (ICE) for the iPhone provide one-touch emergency contacts and first aid information in the event of an incident.
The country's roads and the capital's airport were so congested that the supply lines of goods into Haiti were clogged, leaving thousands of survivors to scrounge for food and emergency aid.
It is believed between 1, 200 and 1, 500 adoption cases are pending for French families, but the French government has said its priority is emergency aid rather than organising the transfer of the children.
The debate on economic governance was held in the wake of the Greek debt crisis - which saw an emergency aid package agreed by Eurozone members in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
It is worth reflecting that emergency aid for Greece in May 2010, which was decided in a matter of hours on a Sunday night, would not have gone through under the ruling of the court.
"The meeting on Thursday will be an opportunity to raise with the minister the need of emergency aid for affected farmers in the immediate aftermath of this severe weather and to explore how the longer term impact can be managed to ensure the viability of livestock farming in the hills and uplands of Wales, " he said.
BBC: Farmers plead for snow emergency aid to Welsh government
"WFP plans to deliver emergency food aid to Palestinians in need following recent insecurity and its consequences, " she said.
This weekend Russia pledged emergency financial aid to the Palestinian Authority, now led by the militant Islamist group Hamas.
Importantly, the government has accepted a WFP plane to go into Yangon tomorrow with emergency food aid - high-energy biscuits.
Though they are getting better at responding fast when an alarm is raised, emergency food aid often makes only a marginal difference.
Primark says it will pay compensation and offer emergency food aid to victims of the Bangladesh factory collapse who worked for its supplier.
Health professionals, carers, pregnant women and members of voluntary organisations who provide emergency first aid at public events should also receive the vaccine.
BBC: Flu jab given at some pharmacies in Wales for first time