Private Health is designed to backfill these gaps whenever one of its patients has a medical emergency or complex condition, say, a traumatic brain injury or newly diagnosed cancer.
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If they then wait until their condition becomes an emergency for which, under the new law, they would be covered, then the Spanish state would pick up the tab.
Employees in the condition management program had fewer emergency room visits and hospital admissions.
Three other patients in good condition were treated in the emergency department.
In 2011, Ironman winner Normann Stadler underwent emergency surgery to repair an enormous aortic aneurysm, a condition not caused but very possibly aggravated by endurance athletics.
Victor Inyang, an accident and emergency consultant at the hospital, said if untreated, Mrs Carter's condition had a 90% mortality rate.
When her condition deteriorated her mother brought her to Altnagelvin Hospital's accident and emergency department.
The Highways Agency said the condition of that part of the motorway did not meet the criteria of its emergency 24-hour repair programme.
National guidelines state that an emergency response vehicle should reach 75% of patients deemed to be in a life threatening condition within eight minutes.
It is important to mention that individuals that already have the flu who then become more ill during the duration of the illness, (difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath) need to seek medical attention immediately in an emergency department, as the risk of secondary pneumonia rises with an abrupt deterioration of your condition.
And that's why the federal government provided General Motors and Chrysler with emergency loans to prevent their sudden collapse at the end of last year -- only on the condition that they would develop plans to restructure.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Stabilizing the Auto Industry
Emergency services spokeswoman Ineke van der Zande told an earlier news conference that six people were in a critical condition and 25 were severely wounded.
The way things work at present, they're taken to their local District General Hospital accident and emergency department, where they're sometimes met at the door by a junior doctor with little experience of their condition.