President Bush has announced an emergency food-aid package for hard-hit parts of the world.
They give emergency food supplies to people who are struggling to provide for themselves.
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Mr Mould said food banks were working hard to provide emergency food and festive treats to families.
And how I knew that was because you have use ID when you come into emergency food cupboard.
"WFP plans to deliver emergency food aid to Palestinians in need following recent insecurity and its consequences, " she said.
Yet for the fiscal year that ended June 30, the demand for emergency food in Greeley shot up 50%.
Unfortunately, many of the same high calorie foods have been provided to hungry families by the emergency food system.
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The free emergency food parcels which the food banks will give out are designed to last for three days.
She didn't like the idea she had to come an emergency food cupboard.
Importantly, the government has accepted a WFP plane to go into Yangon tomorrow with emergency food aid - high-energy biscuits.
"We have had a steady increase in the number of people who seek emergency food assistance, " Flowers tells a visitor.
World Vision has a team headed into the disaster zone with emergency food kits, blankets, cleaning supplies, hygiene items and tarps.
Figures obtained by the BBC suggest about 6, 000 people have been given vouchers for emergency food parcels by benefits officials in the last year.
The committee said the funds would help Christian Aid to provide emergency food rations, distribute water and assist pregnant women and children.
Though they are getting better at responding fast when an alarm is raised, emergency food aid often makes only a marginal difference.
The Trussell Trust, which runs 13 food banks in the region, has given out more than 15, 000 emergency food parcels since April 2012.
Primark says it will pay compensation and offer emergency food aid to victims of the Bangladesh factory collapse who worked for its supplier.
For the last two years, America joined with the international community to provide emergency food aid and support for an African Union peacekeeping force.
Last month, for instance, claims that the government had axed the distribution of emergency food parcels forced it hurriedly to find the missing 50m reais.
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He also announced plans to create one million jobs to combat unemployment, now at 18%, as well as distribute emergency food supplies to the needy.
The day after she could not send her children to school, Jenni was referred to a Trussell Trust food bank and given an emergency food parcel.
There are the lower income components of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, the Emergency Food Assistance Program, and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP).
Search and rescue operations are continuing for livestock missing in remote areas, and a military helicopter delivered emergency food supplies to stranded animals for a second day.
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It is believed the money for Afghanistan would be used to stabilise the most insecure areas, with more policing, emergency food and medicine, and thousands of job and training opportunities.
BBC: Afghanistan aid spending boost expected to be announced
But the number of people needing emergency food is expected to grow in 2010, just as kitchens and pantries are again finding it harder to raise money for their services.
Two companies whose suppliers were based in the building, the UK's Primark and Canada's Loblaw, said on Monday that they would pay compensation and offer emergency food aid to victims employed by them.
That's why thousands of American personnel -- civilian and military -- are on the scene working to distribute clean drinking water and food and medicine, and thousands of tons of emergency food supplies are arriving every day.
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The emergency food system will be there for our neighbors in dire times, but we that system must function alongside our wonderful federal nutrition assistance programs that the people of the United States have demanded and developed over the years.