As a last resort in an emergency situation, the home features a helipad on the roof.
Additionally, Schram's suit claims that because of improper training the pilot failed to maintain calm during an emergency situation.
And if an emergency situation develops during which various oversight procedures are overlooked, the risk is even greater, it added.
This meant that some patients not only missed out on privacy, but could be harder to treat in an emergency situation.
In an emergency situation, information about the scarcity and urgency of need for different goods and services is at a premium.
That was a unique capability the United States had to get this up and running in the face of an emergency situation.
When it's not an emergency situation, we can go into an area and teach them, using their local resources, how to build their own water filter.
Mr Dowson, from the Burn Road in Comber, was released on bail on strict orders that he is not to use a telephone except in an emergency situation.
We had an emergency situation on our hands, and so the entire world, working through the G20, coordinated in making sure that we filled this huge drop-off in demand.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the White House | The White House
Whether we face an immediate, emergency situation like the BP spill, or the gradual accumulation of challenges and degradation, our responsibilities to address the problems and find solutions are exactly the same.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Action Day: Protecting America��s Waters Today
Why have you failed to report this and why is this not considered enough of an emergency situation so that action is taken to distribute water as is being undertaken today in Belfast?
"This summer we made a significant investment to try and strengthen the group but clearly at this stage we are in an emergency situation, " Juventus sporting director Beppe Marotta told the Sky Italia TV channel.
"For the typical child, this is probably not going to be an emergency situation, unless the child has swallowed the toy or has been mouthing or chewing on the toy extensively, " says Bruce Lanphear, M.
Anne Studd QC, representing the police, told the appeal court Sir Robert had failed to understand "the bigger policing picture" and had failed to build in any operational discretion when officers genuinely believed they were in an emergency situation that required them to act at once.
"We will respond immediately if anyone is in need of urgent medical attention - but in a non-emergency situation, then we will make a risk assessment and discuss the outcomes with the ambulance service or any other agency who has requested our help, " Mr Kernohan told the BBC.
It is simply irresponsible for President Clinton in a non- emergency situation and in the face of the expressed opposition of Congress to implicate the United States in such a "peace enforcement" mission -- the predictable effect of his decision to begin the immediate deployment of small numbers of American service personnel to Bosnia.
It can also intervene in the braking process and apply increased braking pressure in an emergency braking situation, if required.
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But there was perhaps no clearer illustration of the disconnect between how emergency officials view the situation at a distance, and how it is viewed by those actually living it on the ground, than Brown's comments to CNN's Wolf Blitzer Thursday evening about the evacuation of hospitals in the city.
On October 27, 2006, by Executive Order 13413, the President declared a national emergency with respect to the situation in or in relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and, pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), ordered related measures blocking the property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in that country.
She also expressed her admiration for the work of the emergency services to contain the situation.
What EMTALA has predictably created is a situation in which emergency care has become viewed as a right to be provided by healthcare facilities irrespective of the fact that to do so nullifies the rights of providers.
FORBES: Universal Health Insurance Mandates, And The Emergency Care Myth
The United Nations Security Council held a four-hour emergency meeting early Sunday on the situation, ending with a call for an immediate halt to violence.
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Mr Passos Coelho has used the phrase "national emergency" to describe Portugal's situation.
Mr. Ganzouri convened an emergency cabinet meeting Friday to discuss the situation, according to MENA, the state news agency.
The Union of South American Nations (Unasur) has called an emergency meeting for Thursday to discuss the situation in Venezuela.
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Your son's situation is obviously a psychiatric emergency, and I am truly sorry to hear of his very serious problems.
In a statement to the nation on Sunday evening, Mr Passos Coelho repeatedly used the phrase "national emergency" to describe Portugal's situation.
On Tuesday, Ian McCartney, the Minister for Consumer Affairs, described the situation as a "national emergency" and announced that the Farepak Response Fund was being established with help from York-based charity Family Fund.
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The World Health Organization calls the situation a "public health emergency of international concern, " and the United States has declared a "public health emergency, " likened by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to preparations for a potential hurricane.
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