Radon is a gas, a product of decaying radium and an emitter of particles.
"I don't know who the top greenhouse gas emitter in the nation is, " Kruger says.
The fact remains that the European Parliament itself is a prodigious emitter of carbon.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | EU 'must walk its climate talk'
If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty and find the biggest single emitter, it's difficult.
On seeing a handheld HSS emitter at work, marketers go into "immediate brainstorming mode, " says Harbor's Jeffrey Dahlstrom.
It is estimated that by 2025, they will collectively be the largest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet.
The keyboard utilizes Bluetooth to connect to the TV and also has an IR emitter to support TV functions.
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Since natural gas is a lower CO2 emitter than coal, that development would certainly be a profitability game changer.
FORBES: Lisa Jackson serves U.S. industry a Thanksgiving turkey.
Electricity generation becomes a net absorber of CO2 rather than a net emitter.
Indeed, it says that if shipping were a country, it would be the sixth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.
China, within a year or two, will be the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, while India is also growing rapidly.
And because FPR does not require glasses to sync with an emitter, heavy shutter-type glasses are a thing of the past.
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In speeches he points out Duke is the nation's third-largest corporate emitter of carbon dioxide (after American Electric Power and Southern Co.).
The argument is that nuclear, whatever its other drawbacks, is a low-emitter - so any carbon alternative, such as coal, must be higher.
The surface-conduction electronic-emitter display, initially announced to be ready by the end of 2006, has been delayed until the end of the year.
Hold the transistor by the legs with the tab facing you, the pinout for the transistor is: C, B, E or Collector, Base, Emitter.
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China, now the world's biggest emitter, is said by sources to be more flexible, though its top priority for Durban is the Kyoto Protocol.
BBC: Climate summit opens amid big emitters' stalling tactics
In his hands is his latest invention, the HyperSonic Sound emitter.
Specifically, Koch Industries (a major carbon emitter, vulnerable to tighter emissions controls) has contributed millions to organizations that have studied human-induced global warming with skepticism.
FORBES: Inside The Koch Empire: How The Brothers Plan To Reshape America
An HSS emitter can put a message to a single person standing in a crowd 200 feet away, without anyone on either side able to hear it.
China, now the world's biggest emitter, and so the country in the spotlight, has committed itself to cut the carbon-intensity of its economy by 40-45% by 2020.
The U.S., the biggest emitter of man-made carbon dioxide, produces 36.1 percent of the gas, the EU accounts for 24.2 percent, and Japan is responsible for 8.5 percent.
Now, as the world's largest economy and as the world's second largest emitter, America bears our responsibility to address climate change, and we intend to meet that responsibility.
An HSS emitter can transmit a message to a single person standing in a crowd 200 feet away, without anyone on either side being able to hear it.
Indonesia is the fourth-largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world.
Then Norris pans his emitter back to us, and our heads fill with the crisp pop of a soda can being opened and poured into a glass of ice.
The setup consisted of a radar emitter made out of one coffee can and a second can with a couple of LEDs attached to serve as a tethered receiver antenna.
In speeches he points out Duke is the nation's third-largest corporate emitter of carbon dioxide (after American Electric Power (nyse: AEP - news - people ) and Southern Co.).