She never made it big back in the day, but now, is there any indie soul singer who brings more guts, more conviction and more emotion to her singing?
"Children who helped and shared more quickly and more often, especially in tasks that required more complex emotion understanding, had parents who more often asked them to label and explain the emotions depicted in the books, " the researchers wrote.
And the more intense the emotion, the more powerful the thought bubble and the stronger your belief in its validity.
The writing's clarity and simplicity make the emotion more dramatic and true.
We can decide--as some cyber-extremists seem to suggest--to give up our irrationality and emotion and subjectivity and become more like our digital machines.
Other singers brought bigger voices and more emotion to the songs of Schubert and Strauss, but none brought the exquisite delicacy and artistry of Miss Schwarzkopf, whose legati were consciously copied from the violin and whose high pianissimi floated like feathers.
Drain the emotion and a more accurate description of Gore emerges.
Rinty learned to leap higher, run faster, and show more emotion on-screen than what would seem possible, and he could do it all on cue.
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The app, which would activate when it recognized the user's voice, would provide the patient and psychologist a more complete record of changes in emotion and mood, allowing the patient to get a better sense of their emotional triggers.
Microsoft is relying on the media to pass out their message of emotion and simplicity, especially the tech blogs and gadget sites that may have been looking for more technical details from the launch.
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In my Quest for Simplicity, I would love to see organizations come together to agree on one protocol based more on evidence and less on emotion and payer structures.
The psychotherapy of the future may also be where you go to talk about positive emotion, your strengths and virtues, and how to build more meaning into your life.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Happiness Formula | Staying happier for longer
With more emotion than sense, electronic components, machine parts and even towels made far from Fukushima have required radiation checks or been turned back by Italy and China, among others.
And the emotion he shows on the court is that much more powerful for being rare.
Because most plant personnel never talked to customers, they were shocked, first, by the facts of the case and, I suspect, even more so by the emotion pouring out of the TV screen.
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Maybe then the cold man of steel, so often without emotion through times of thrills and spills, would let us into his consciousness one more time.
BBC: SPORT | Football | World Cup 2006 | Teams | England | Sven's farewell
If invention, wild and free, yet tied to emotion and philosophical speculation, is given a chance, digital filmmaking could have a more brilliant future than any we can now imagine.
And, sure, Steve Ballmer, is not a man for a more emotion-driven economy.
And so, in terms of your focus on environment, did you find yourself approaching it, you know, from that - you know, almost like a logical storytelling kind of approach or did you really feel an emotion and, you know, it's what's driving you to want to do more about the environment?