And I can tell you that it's taken an emotional toll on the people here.
"It's about heart because our nations share a proud and emotional history, " he said.
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When feelings run high, an ill-judged letter can cause as much emotional damage as any dashed-off online posting.
But the emotional equilibrium for women and work will likely happen woman by woman.
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Difficult emotional journeys are beautifully rendered in "Far From Heaven, " and the musical is profoundly effective.
The delivery systems will change, but the ability to make emotional connections will be constant.
The idea is to associate the card with moments of enjoyment, and an emotional reward.
For many of them, the decision is the result of years of thought and emotional soul-searching.
Just like with this case, those fights are usually difficult, emotional, and hard to resolve.
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Every improvement is likely to make interaction with machines more fluid and even emotional.
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"And never post when you're tired, emotional or drinking--that's a recipe for disaster, " she notes.
That stoicism in the face of emotional testimony disappeared in the jury room, he said.
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But the reality is that analysts are only just catching up with the emotional downswing.
While the emotional connection was there, the hard work was handled on a tactical level.
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She is an expert on a personality model that develops emotional intelligence and builds collaboration.
But now we are in emotional territory and these charts map the emotions out.
The knock against tiger parenting style is that it does not foster emotional and social development.
It is much more emotional in that there are 5000 souls remaining in the building.
An emotional connection, according to Jim Hardison, creative director of Character, a Portland, Ore.
These errors are often caused by emotional and psychological biases not based on objectivity or logic.
Possible explanation: There's a legitimate emotional component to the economic decisions people make about their lives.
"Last year I had a parent, I still get emotional about it, " Krum said.
Kampusch said former captives need to take time to work through the emotional issues themselves.
Joshua Freedman is a change leader teaching the skills of emotional intelligence around the globe.
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His buildings have an emotional richness and sensuous appeal beyond their skilled, rigorous conception.
"Somehow the Chile authorities understood how to make it so emotional and appealing, " he said.
Naturally, if people didn't let tears unnerve them, becoming emotional wouldn't be a problem.
Many city folk have an emotional attachment to a way of life they have never experienced.
One of its biggest strengths was the emotional response its documentaries evoked from viewers.
The second is to consider both your financial and your emotional tolerance for risk.
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