She uses a Golden Rule approach in both client and employee relations.
The ones who are great performers but unfit for human consumption, thereby keeping a steady stream of your employees running to employee relations offices.
The list's creators assign a 19.5% weighting to environmental impact and employee relations, because they think they are what consumers, shareholders and employees care most about.
Diane Sinclair, employee relations advisor for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, said she was aware of surveys which showed people were more likely to be off sick on a Monday.
When the executive team, culture, and business make a positive contribution to society while making a profit, they tend to have fewer lawsuits, better employer-employee relations, a stronger environmental policy and safer products.
Guy Bailey, CBI Head of Employment and Employee Relations, said that "with the rules currently under discussion again in Brussels, the CBI would like to see the judgments reversed, so that the directive is focused on the health and safety of the workforce, as originally intended".
"Hopefully this investment signals the start of a gradual culture change in how conflict at work is managed, from one where litigation is frequently the first step, to one where mediation and more informal dispute resolution in general becomes much more commonly used, " said Mike Emmott, CIPD's employee relations adviser.
Each word in its statement of purpose has meaning that guides decision-making, client relations, employee benefits, and long-term plans.
"If you don't, you're not giving them the same courtesy as other employees, you're treating them worse, " says Rania Sedhom, regional leader of the labor relations and employee benefits practice of the consulting firm BDO Seidman.
On the human relations front, Employee Assistance Programs have seen a resurgence.
The Times of India quoted him as saying that he had informed iGATE about his "personal relations" with the female employee.
When do employee engagement and CSR move beyond a public relations or talent retention strategy and cross into business growth?
So far Uniteds employee ownership hasnt been an elixir for customer relations.
For the first time, the National Labor Relations Board is getting involved in a situation where an employee was fired for trashing her supervisor on Facebook (according to the New York Times).
United's employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which held 55% of the airline, never succeeded in soothing strained relations between labor and management.