It lists alumni's employment history, which can usually be sorted by field or geographic location.
He proceeded to grill her on her travel plans and employment history for the next half-hour.
On the other hand, 2009 and 2010 were two of the worse years in U.S. employment history.
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Retain employment history, track injuries and illnesses, and record education, skills, certificates, courses, work experiences, and a whole lot more.
FORBES: The New HR Manager: Moving From Administrative To Strategic
You sign up and start posting information about yourself: photographs, employment history, why you are peeved right now with the gummy-bear selection at Rite Aid or bullish about prospects for peace in the Middle East.
The survey offers one bit of encouragement for older job seekers: Resopndents said a 55-year-old with a steady employment history was easier to place than a job-hopping 30-year-old with less than a year in one place.
FORBES: New Study: Long-Term Unemployment Viewed By Hiring Companies As Worse Than A Criminal Record
Clicking on the names brings up further details on the person, including a short biography, phone number, email address, prior employment history, description of current employer and links to press articles, SEC filings and other publicly available documents where the name appears.
Even though Mr. Gill has been reinstated by his superiors at Homeland Security following what is said to have been "a thorough investigation, " it is not obvious how someone who withheld information about his employment history could be "cleared" - especially given how troubling that information is.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Islamist penetration of Homeland Security?
The monthly employment report has a history of most often coming in with a surprise in one direction or the other that creates a one or two-day triple-digit move by the Dow in one direction or the other.
On the surface that seems to make sense, but history shows that employment is a lagging indicator, one of the last areas to begin improving in an economic recovery.
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And Wal-Mart could use some female-friendly press after a massive sex-discrimination lawsuit involving 1.5 million women narrowly missed proceeding to the U.S. Supreme Court last year as the largest employment class-action in history.
FORBES: Will Google's Marissa Mayer Help Solve Wal-Mart's Woman Problem?
Candace Kruttschnitt and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota and Kelly Shelton of the Minnesota Department of Corrections tracked 556 sex offenders on probation and found less recidivism among those with a history of stable employment.
Strayer appears to have the financial strength and a history of sending students into employment that will make it a survivor even with stricter rules.
Washington (CNN) -- The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether to certify the largest class-action employment lawsuit in U.S. history, a long-standing dispute against mega-retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc. over alleged gender bias in pay and promotions.
CNN: Justices accept appeal over Wal-Mart gender pay lawsuit
The government is sincere in its pledge to banish joblessness, but history shows that the road to full employment is paved with good intentions.
Though there are always some downsides, free trade and globalization has provided employment opportunities for people in countries with a long history of poverty and despair.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The FTA with Colombia: the political dimension
Sure, at one time in history (and today in subsistence cultures) nearly 100% of employment was anchored in fuel jobs: food for humans and their animals, and fuel for heat and cooking.
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The reductions in small business employment during the fourth quarter of 2008 and in 2009 were the largest ever recorded in the history of the National Federation of Independent Business data series.
FORBES: Wall Street's Hollow Boom: With Small Business And Startups Lagging, Job Recovery Unlikely
At Monster Worldwide, a global job-search and employment-services giant operating in 55 countries, its shareholder-friendly management team has a history of selling companies when the price is right, says Katz.
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