And what about society s youth that strives desperately to emulate Hollywood s stars?
So, if you want security after the checks stop coming, emulate oilman John D.
Bright and jangly at its core, his is still an identifiable sound guitarists seek to emulate.
WSJ: Still Close to His Roots | Johnny Marr | Cultural Conversation by Jim Fusilli
Fund managers try to emulate Warren Buffett's strategy by picking these niche health stocks.
Mr. Soltani also ran a test in which Safari was configured to emulate an Apple iPhone.
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Many tried to emulate him, not forgetting the part about taking on some margin debt.
What has caused this Irish miracle and how can we in Britain emulate it?
With the move, the city hopes to emulate the bountiful investing strategies of Harvard and Yale.
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The absence of coffee and tea during the flight is something other airlines might emulate.
Each community has unique emergent properties, which are hard for other networks to emulate.
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"When certain coaching styles are winning, we emulate them, " former longtime Purdue coach Gene Keady said.
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You know, like that Ronald Reagan guy the new generation idolizes but is reluctant to emulate.
The Hall of Fame should emulate the McGwire-Sosa spirit and let Roger Maris in.
Leaders should emulate this model, and pay heed to the link between mental and physical performance.
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They seem determined to emulate the U.K. by embracing austerity while the economy is still teetering.
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"There's not going to be too many people trying to emulate us, " says McDonald.
Transmeta's chips can be rejigged to emulate any microprocessor, or more than one at once.
Other companies planning to emulate Hulu when implementing frictionless sharing should keep this in mind too.
FORBES: Good On You, Hulu. More 'Frictionless-Sharing' Companies Should Follow This Lead.
So Intel is going to emulate software built for mobile devices using ARM-based chips.
It also rewards athletes who exemplify strong fundamental skills that youth players should emulate.
These agencies are intended to emulate the success of similar long-established agencies in Scotland and Wales.
He praised the regions that had kept transport benefits, and told others to emulate them.
If others can emulate its success, the game will not be over for some time yet.
Until others emulate Nightingale's advocacy we will continue to waste resources in all health-care systems.
One, says Pabrai, is that he doesn't try to emulate Berkshire's holdings in wholly owned subsidiaries.
Typically, they will observe a previous supervisor and emulate their actions when they rise.
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They set the pace which the rest of the competition try to copy and emulate.
Not an admirable role model but one that millions of movie-goers would like to emulate.
So they lobby the pollsters to weight their surveys to emulate the 2008 Democrat-heavy models.
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But, beyond that, failure and humiliation is not something that others would want to emulate.
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