Sorry, Wall Street Journal and Kay S. Hymowitz, they may act a little less mature than the men we have been told to emulate, but the good men have not GONE anywhere .
Paul Collingwood provided a good foil at the other end as Pietersen looked set to emulate his feat against Australia in 2005 by reaching three figures.
For what it is worth, I believe good leaders are born and great leaders are the ones who go on to study and emulate the habits of the best commanders, chiefs, presidents and clergy.
And I've always looked upon it positively because I feel they're good human beings who have gone about their profession in the correct way and I'd like to emulate that.
Instead of trying to grapple with every single one of the risks around them, investors should emulate the lowly cockroach, which has survived for millions of years thanks to a defence mechanism that is rudimentary but good at dealing with unanticipated threats.