The sculptor depicts him as a strong, staring Sicilian, his sad face encircled with curls.
Perhaps as they advanced into the city, they would be encircled and fired upon.
The volume knob is around front on this beefier model, encircled in a glowing red light.
ENGADGET: IK Multimedia iLoud and iLoud Mini hands-on (video)
Encircled is his description of happiness: "chilling in Somerset with a flagon of Wilkins' Farmhouse Cider".
The cap rings of the pen are encircled by a stylized roll of celluloid.
Hydrogen, the simplest atom, consists of a single proton encircled by a single electron.
Windsor Castle, encircled by the historic city of the same name, is an easy-to-tackle 30-mile cycle from the capital.
In recent weeks the Syrian military has won back surrounding villages and countryside and had encircled Qusair.
Three weeks later, an aerosol cloud had encircled the earth, and it remained for nearly two years.
Karbala has also been encircled in a three-hour battle that was supposed to have been very severe.
The fairy tales are well stocked with delightful paradoxes, yet they are encircled by strangeness and sadness.
Army sources have told CNN that the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, is completely encircled.
Above them, the number 4 encircled by a dragon eating its own tail.
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Crowned by a looming cathedral and encircled by formidable walls, Girona looks like the film set for a medieval epic.
Earlier, UC Davis spokeswoman Claudia Morain said police used pepper spray after protesters encircled them and blocked them from leaving.
CNN: California campus police on leave after pepper-spraying
Houses in Peach Springs, the main settlement, are often encircled by rubbish.
About a dozen border guards with guns drawn encircled a white van.
The bedcovers were folded beneath her arms, one wrist was encircled by a yellow plastic bracelet, and a constant bleeping hammered the silence.
In Lesotho, a tiny kingdom encircled by South Africa, textile investors have built 11 new factories and expanded eight others, creating 15, 000 jobs.
Opponents always dreaded playing at Manley, a dusty arena encircled by a dirt track that opened in 1962, which was Boeheim's freshman year.
The dark sunspots are encircled by brighter areas, so when they are plentiful, the sun shines more brightly than when they are sparse.
The startling sight of the submerged caldera, almost encircled by sheer lava-layered cliffs and topped by a dusting of towns, should not be missed.
Opponents always dreaded playing at Manley, a dusty arena encircled by a dirt track that opened in 1962, Boeheim's freshman year as a student.
Sometimes he went for long walks around the village and even outside it, over the hills that encircled the little valley, through orchards and dusky pine groves.
In July, 1995, Serbian forces encircled the town of Srebrenica and killed more than seven thousand Bosnian civilians, in an area ostensibly under the protection of U.N. peacekeepers.
U.S.-led coalition forces encircled Baghdad Sunday, closing off highways in and out of the Iraqi capital while armed Iraqi soldiers manned the streets and hunkered down for battle.
Encircled by German troops, they would otherwise have starved.
Police carried anti-riot equipment and encircled the protesting workers.