Recognition, yearned for by virtually all Somalilanders, could help, as it would give the country access to multilateral assistance and encourage foreign investment.
Among the economic policies implemented by the Russian government to encourage foreign investment include the creation of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).
But, China continues to welcome and encourage foreign investment, and there are many accounting, law firms and other experts that can help navigate the bureaucracy.
On taking office in December, Mr de la Rua ordered tax rises as well as spending cuts, hoping a tough fiscal policy would encourage foreign investment.
She added that many Greeks at home are pinning their hopes on Samaras retracting some of the government's harsh austerity measures while reducing domestic bureaucracy to encourage foreign investment.
In the long run, reform would also encourage foreign investment in Japan, steer firms towards the most profitable investments and lessen the influence of the tax code on companies.
With the need for investments into the U.S. as great today as ever, Congress should not encourage foreign investment by repealing the exceptions for investments in unrelated U.S. persons and U.S. government obligations.
FORBES: Senate Proposal Would Hurt Corporate Investment In U.S.
India's signature would, however, show that it intended to be a good international citizen, which in turn would build confidence, encourage foreign investment and open the country to the wider world from which it has been too long too insulated.
The government continues its efforts to reduce unemployment, to encourage direct foreign investment, and to privatize remaining state-owned enterprises.
The constitutional change is expected to encourage more foreign investment, allowing non-Mexican companies to become majority shareholders for the first time.
"I think we've turned conventional wisdom on its head today, " Sandoval said, adding that he hopes the Genting project will encourage more foreign investment in the Strip.
New Delhi says it wants to encourage more foreign investment in retailing and that the sourcing requirement is a reasonable condition that will help develop domestic industries.
Third, the government continues to encourage foreign direct investment.
Because it is U.S. policy to welcome foreign investment, expect the president to encourage Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia to develop a set of best investment practices under the guise of the International Monetary Fund.
Reform is also -- will also encourage, as I said, new foreign investment and reinvigorate tourism.
WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden and Kenyan President Kibaki
The measure is intended to encourage the inflow of long-term foreign investment capital.
China has said it will withdraw support for foreign investment in the country's car industry to encourage domestic carmakers, according to state media.
If enacted, the Grassley bill will encourage companies to place more engineers and other skilled foreign nationals abroad, where more investment dollars will flow, which will not be good for U.S.-born professionals in the technology field.