• By the end of the century, however, the dandy was emerging as something more.

    WSJ: Beau Brummell and His Heirs | Men of Fashion | RISD Museum | By Laura Jacobs

  • By the end of the century, it would supposedly feel like summer in east Texas.

    ECONOMIST: What happens if the Great Lakes get hotter

  • Only a handful more will win any relief by the end of the century.

    ECONOMIST: Debt forgiveness

  • Hostilities between Libya and America, he believes, could break out again before the end of the century.

    ECONOMIST: Curbing terrorism

  • By the end of the century, much of the Arctic could be unrecognisable.

    BBC: Climate chaos: Transcript

  • Small problem, since about 99% of the melting near the end of the century will come from those two sources.

    FORBES: Why Most Forbes Readers Know More About Global Warming than Most Climate Scientists

  • Another 3, 000 jobs will be cut by the end of the century.

    CNN: R O C K E T M A N

  • In Belgium, by the end of the century no more than two-thirds of candidates on electoral lists may be of the same sex.

    ECONOMIST: France

  • Just think of the vision of the airborne-amphibious gyro that, in the 1960s, seemed destined for everyone's garage by the end of the century.

    ECONOMIST: Car design

  • Currently three billion people live in the tropics and subtropics, and their number is expected nearly to double by the end of the century.

    BBC: Heat may spark world food crisis

  • Warnings that we may face civilisation-threatening temperature change by the end of the century, once considered outlandish, are now coming out of mainstream research groups.

    FORBES: Not Quite Professor Krugman, Not Quite

  • There will still be a bit of the 23km Aletsch glacier left at the end of the century, because it is 900m deep in places.

    UNESCO: 83e

  • Even if we halted global warming by the end of the century, we could expect to avoid only about 3% of world-wide malaria cases by 2100.

    WSJ: Bj?rn Lomborg: Global Warming and Adaptability

  • We have come a long way since the notion of heroism that prevailed at the tail end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | What makes a modern hero?

  • The planet is getting richer as well as more crowded, and the pressure to produce more energy will become acute long before the end of the century.

    NEWYORKER: The Climate Fixers

  • And the benefits, when estimated using a standard climate model, will reduce temperature only by an immeasurable one-tenth of a degree Fahrenheit by the end of the century.

    WSJ: Bjorn Lomborg: Climate-Change Misdirection

  • In this decade, the Japanese government went to the extreme of guaranteeing all lenders (not just depositors) to the country's biggest banks until the end of the century.

    ECONOMIST: The business of banking | The

  • The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change has forecast a rise in sea levels of at least 7.1 inches (18 cm) by the end of the century.

    CNN: Cabinet in drowning Maldives to meet underwater

  • Watson continued to record: with country giants like Chet Atkins, newgrass superstars like David Grisman and Tony Rice, and by the end of the century with Merle's son Richard.

    CNN: Watson leaves notes strung through music history

  • As the end of the century nears, it would be surprising indeed if Aum Shinrikyo turned out to be the only cult in Japan that believed in an apocalyptic tomorrow.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese cults

  • However, a recent study of coastal cities still predicted the Philippines' capital Manila would see its vulnerability to flooding double by the end of the century, due to sea-level rises.

    CNN: New satellite data reveals sea-level rise

  • France's long-suffering taxpayers can only hope that this rise encourages the French state to keep at least one of its 1995 promises: to privatise the bank before the end of the century.

    ECONOMIST: French banking

  • These projections imply that, even for the lowest emission scenarios, the average income of South Africans will have overtaken that of Americans by a very wide margin by the end of the century.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Only towards the end of the century did the English landscape garden, as developed by Brown, come into fashion there, with both George Washington at Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello devising distinctive versions of the genre.

    ECONOMIST: The curious history of herbaceous borders

  • However, by the end of the century, plans were afoot to dam the Nile and it looked as though the Great Temple was doomed to be buried again, although on this occasion its coverage was intended to be water.

    BBC: Abu Simbel: The great temple of Egypt

  • "The best estimates are that sea levels will rise about 18 to 36 inches by the end of the century, but because of what's going on and how fast things are changing, there's a lot of uncertainty, " he said.

    CNN: Ice melting across globe at accelerating rate, NASA says

  • If we continue on the trajectory that we find ourselves, our grandchildren will see carbon concentrations in the atmosphere top 700 parts per million by the end of the century, twice the bandwidth top that we have lived in for 8, 000 centuries.

    FORBES: A Call to Arms on Climate Change

  • Wildly popular in Europe and Asia--UBS even offers a Sharia-compliant note for Muslim investors--these derivatives for the average investor have been offered in the U.S. for at least two decades but were largely forgotten during the bull market at the end of the century.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Even further back, we remember that the only reason the Kingdom of Judea did not suffer the same fate as the Kingdom of Israel in the end of the 8th century BCE is because as the ten tribes of Israel were expelled into oblivion, King Hezkiyahu saved Jerusalem from the Assyrians.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Jerusalem, the Eternal Front Line

  • The Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 pact aimed at reining in carbon emissions, aimed to limit that increase to 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C) by 2100 -- but a November report by the World Bank warned that trends point more toward an increase twice that big by the end of the century.


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