Yet there are fears that reckless exploitation of Greenland's minerals could endanger the pristine Arctic environment.
Let me repeat: I am not going to release individuals who endanger the American people.
This could endanger the health of humans directly if the bacteria got into food.
Medical staff, demonstrating in Exeter earlier, believe the plan would cause staff shortages and endanger patients.
He also faced charges of possession of firearms and ammunition with intent to endanger life.
Prosecutors have argued that leaking a CIA officer's name could endanger the life of the operative.
The two cases that will be argued next week seem to endanger this process.
WSJ: Michael McConnell: The Constitution and Same-Sex Marriage
In particular, there was a serious and growing risk that it might endanger News Corp.
But some argue it casts doubt on their objectivity and could endanger their lives.
The gases, the agency says, contribute to air pollution and may endanger public health or welfare.
The British Airports Authority and London City airport complained that the tower would endanger flight paths.
Measures to protect customers may end up allowing banks to take on risks that endanger customers.
He needs to avoid overloading legislators with controversial measures that will endanger them politically.
Family members have also expressed concern that a military operation would endanger the lives of the captives.
Second, we focused our enforcement efforts on criminals who are here illegally and who endanger our communities.
You have to pay people enough so they won't want to do anything to endanger their position.
If they do not aggressively enforce laws and regulations governing financial institutions, they endanger the entire system.
But the RBI is probably right that a rickety infrastructure sector does not endanger the banking system.
At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws.
S4C cuts could endanger the relationship between Welsh and non-Welsh speakers, the Heritage Minister has told BBC Wales.
Finally, when taking photos, please do not endanger yourself or others, take unnecessary risks or infringe any laws.
Mr Edwards and Michael Cooper, 40, of Clacton, deny possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.
It concluded it would lead to an increase in flooding, and would endanger water quality and public health.
That scenario that could roil global financial markets as well as endanger deposits in the country even further.
Mr Abdulkadir, of The Fleet, Springfield, has also denied possessing of a firearm with intent to endanger life.
BBC: Teenagers shot dead in Milton Keynes 'drug turf' dispute
He admitted wounding, possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life and dangerous driving at Liverpool Crown Court.
Others suspected that the booming decibels of the concert would endanger the hollow double dome of the Taj.
Lynn's conspiracy count related to an allegation that he schemed with Avery and other archdiocese officials to endanger children.
In Tanzania, the government has proposed a development project which could severely endanger the animal kingdom of the Serengeti.
"If we are going to endanger that type of research, then I am opposed to that legislation, " he said.