In any scientific dispute spawned by the Endangered Species Act, the government almost always wins.
Cloning extinct or endangered species should come as no surprise in the annals of anthropogenic busywork.
Around the same time, the plantation started becoming home to a growing number of endangered species.
They are Utah prairie dogs, a species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
The Bengal tiger is the national symbol of India and an endangered species around the world.
The Liberal Democrats have complained that languages are becoming "an endangered species" in universities.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Big fall in university languages
The charity will also contribute to conservation projects working with endangered species throughout the world.
Previously, global warming was just part of an undistinguished green lineup with pollution and endangered species.
Since 1998 the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species has covered Caspian sturgeon.
In British Columbia, a traditional stronghold, it looks set to become an endangered species.
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They included green, Kemp's ridley and hawksbill sea turtles, which are classified as endangered species.
The Endangered Species Act, six years overdue for reauthorization, is likely to go nowhere this session.
That number convinced federal wildlife officials to remove them from the endangered species list.
"The people that are in this room really are an endangered species, " another man said.
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Senator James Buckley, Bill Buckley's brother, was a leading supporter of the Endangered Species Act.
And we are working with the Pampas deer, which is a very endangered species.
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The blazered white British gent with his pint of foaming bitter is portrayed as an endangered species.
On Leaf Cay, for example, yard-long rock iguanas sun themselves with a languor unbecoming an endangered species.
The Bush administration has made no secret of its intent to complete the endangered species changes quickly.
The Owston's civet is an endangered species found in the forests of Vietnam, Laos and southern China.
It fears the prairie dog is disappearing, and it wants it protected under the Endangered Species Act.
For the past 90 years Woodlawn has been a dairy farm, an endangered species in America's north-east.
It has some of the highest cliffs in Europe, which have large colonies of rare and endangered species of birds.
"Of course, I'd like for people to care about endangered species, and this kind of thing, " he says.
George Schaller of the Wildlife Conservation Society has fought for and studied the endangered species for 15 years.
Mr. SIEGLER: The ferret was reintroduced as an experimental population under a rule in the Endangered Species Act.
Bono worked to get federal aid to preserve the habitats of various endangered species in Riverside County, Calif.
But Giggs - the first British footballer to be featured in The Simpsons - is an endangered species.
Their case is that the park could violate the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
HCPs, have become the tool of choice within the Endangered Species Act for preserving wildlife and fragile ecosystems.