He is handsome, charming, modest, yet endearingly confident, does not drink and does not smoke.
Bugg is just endearingly awkward, burdened with a youthful inability to articulate his thoughts (outside his music, at least).
" Popeye , " Robert Altman's endearingly eccentric venture into the realm of 1930s comics, has finally entered the digital domain.
Pabst Blue Ribbon, endearingly nicknamed PBR by its fans and foes, has a reputation as the hipster beer of choice.
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As Mr. Theroux eventually unnecessarily and endearingly explains, his book is as much about him as it is about Estonia.
Set in a restored Portuguese-Hindu mansion, the hotel's six bedrooms and separate cottage (endearingly named The Chummery) are ranged around a gorgeous small pool.
He reminded Hadley of a chattering bird, a large endearingly gawky bird like an ostrich, long-legged, long-necked, with a beaky face, quick-darting inquisitive eyes.
The New York Times gushes, Giddy, gossipy, and endearingly un-slick, and Variety promises, While soccer fans will rep the core audience, even non-fans can enjoy.
NPR: Summary Judgment: 'A Scanner Darkly,' 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' 'Once in a Lifetime'
It could either seem endearingly self-deprecating or arrogantly smug.
He was endearingly brave when, clad in a dressing gown, he pursued one of them through the streets in a bid to recover the wallet and jewellery which the ingrate had nicked.
No one who saw her as the oddball heroine of "Annie Hall" can forget her trilling "La de da, la de da, " chasing lobsters around a kitchen or singing "Seems Like Old Times" shakily, and endearingly.
He was endearingly trusting when, a few days before giving a landmark lecture this week on Conservative crime policy, he allowed a pair of complete strangers supposedly desperate for a pee into his house in the early hours of the morning.
He was endearingly honest when he told a reporter during last year's general election that, yes, of course the Tories hoped in the long run to make much bigger cuts in public spending than the minimal ones they had owned up to in their manifesto.
He is endearingly reluctant to admit that the finished document, which he describes as "a key piece of source material for the election, for candidates, for MPs, for campaigners in the field and also, obviously, for journalists", is, like any party's manifesto, unlikely to top the bestseller lists.
Freely adapting Roald Dahl's 1970 children's book, Anderson creates an endearingly tactile fairy-tale thrift-shop universe, with quaintly painted backdrops, cotton balls for smoke, and a family of foxes who move in such deliberate fashion that, up close, you can see the hairs on their faces bristle and jerk.