She says early formulations of the therapy increased a woman's risk of endometrial cancer.
"Let's not diminish the effect of tamoxifen by this side effect, " said Peters, referring to endometrial cancer.
CNN: Scientists confirm tamoxifen works but say it isn't for everyone
In the past, studies have shown that taking oestrogen can also increase a woman's risk of endometrial cancer.
In a pilot study, they analyzed Pap smears from 46 women who already were diagnosed with either ovarian or endometrial cancer.
Endometrial cancer affects about 47, 000 women a year, and kills about 8, 000.
Clare Stevinson, a Cancer Research UK researcher at the department of exercise and health sciences at the University of Bristol, said the findings of the endometrial cancer research were "encouraging".
There is also evidence that oral contraceptives decrease the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer, but that they increase the risk of liver cancer in women who are otherwise considered at low risk for the disease.
Dr Amy Berrington, of Cancer Research UK, said the link between oral contraceptive use and cancer risk was highly complex, with studies showing that taking the Pill reduced ovarian and endometrial cancer risk, but increased the risk of breast cancer risk and probably also cervical cancer.
Oestrogen has already been linked to breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer.
By suppressing ovulation, it actually reduces the risk of two types of cancer: ovarian, which affects the ovaries and endometrial, which affects the lining of the uterus.
Mortality seemed to be higher for many types of cancer, but it was only statistically significant for three types: breast, endometrial, and colorectal.
Endometrial polyps are removed to treat the abnormal bleeding but also because of the potential risk of cancer.
Irregular bleeding can also be the result of endometrial polyps, overgrowths in the lining of the uterus, and can even be a sign of pre-cancer or cancer of the uterus.