According to figures from analyst firm Forrester, 14% of European internet users engage in illegal file-sharing.
And, obviously, the Libyan people will and the opposition will engage in that process also.
It may engage in some political activity, but this may not be its primary role.
And will Mr Trimble's Ulster Unionists engage in negotiations, or merely try to obstruct them?
Each episode also introduces a mini-game for players to engage in like a miniature crossbow game.
Everyone needs to understand context to perform at their best and engage in their work.
People also engage in dissipation, distraction, and rationalization to relieve the discomfort of pressure.
Every day money managers engage in improper conduct that is harmful to their clients.
FORBES: No Freedom of Information When It Comes to Money Managers (November 1, 2000)
In the case of war, declaration means authorizing the president to engage in hostilities.
FORBES: It's Time for Congress To Vote On The Illegal War In Libya
People engage in conversations that can often run up to 20 to 40 updates per hour.
Conclusive research shows that African-Americans do not engage in riskier HIV behaviors than other Americans.
The bad actors have been hackers, cyber criminals, and nation states that engage in cyber espionage.
FORBES: Operation Olympic Games, Project X, and the assault on the IT security industry
Most of the time, the caller agrees to engage in ongoing peer support, Castellano said.
Top politicians from other countries often engage in charitable or diplomatic work when they retire.
These advisers were not there to engage in combat but to advise those who did.
To be successful recruiters, companies must be transparent and engage in a meaningful two-way conversation.
"The taxpayers do not pay him to engage in this kind of behaviour, " she added.
Studies show that women are far less likely to engage in negotiation than their male counterparts.
The wrong reasons are its non-core capabilities, the expectation to engage in financial engineering.
FORBES: Hiring Apple Computer, Microsoft, and Google to Manage your Money? Not a Good Idea!
Today, customers expect brands to engage in a multi-directional and experiential conversation with them.
FORBES: Zapos, Zappoz, or Zappos: Why Typos Are Good For Your Brand
He says they engage in joint projects with broadcasters, but that statistically, the spectrum is under-utilized.
They also engage in another form of engineering as they build communities of supporters and patrons.
FORBES: We May Not Have Flying Cars Yet, But Visioneers Are Inventing a New Future
In turn, suppliers had no choice but to engage in massive layoffs of their own workforces.
Kramer said today anyone with a computer can engage in some level of cyber destruction.
FORBES: The US Needs To Learn To Limit--Not Win--A Cyber War
The company told the Associated Press news agency they hoped to engage in some "basketball diplomacy".
Moreover, although the Formal Opinion explicitly does not engage in a technology-by-technology analysis, see id.
FORBES: Your Ethical And Legal Duties When Using Wireless Networks
Another strong reason to engage in the clean energy economy is the market opportunity.
Charlemagne would conquer whole peoples and then engage in mass baptisms of the conquered.
Companies must engage in regular accounting of digital assets and assessment of potential security flaws.
FORBES: Why Cybercrime Remains Big Business - And How To Stop It
The WHO states that adults should engage in moderate intensity exercise for 150 minutes each week.