The plan is to transfer the Giotto Tower, Verona Tower, Little Chimney and the Engine House in Holbeck Urban Village into a trust.
Other features in Denbighshire which have been given QR codes include the Clive Engine House at Dyserth, Rhyl lifeboat, the Llangollen international pavilion, Gronant sand dunes and the old jail at Ruthin.
The engine shed will house an exhibition space, 80-seat restaurant and conference facilities.
Either way this hybrid organisation serves as the focus, the clearing-house, the engine-room of the European Union.
The fire house -- Engine Company 8 and Ladder Company 2 -- lost eight firefighters in the twin tower attacks.
The core of support for the GE engine lies among legislators like House minority leader John Boehner of Ohio, whose district stands to gain hundreds of jobs from the program.
Fire officials did not believe there was any danger in responding to the initial call that seemed routine and dispatched the usual one engine and one ambulance to the house.
The Samsung's unique in-house developed DRIMe IV imaging engine provides outstanding developments in speed, and image quality.
First, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has decided to make termination of the second engine a test case of whether Congress is committed to eliminating waste, and has won White House backing for a veto of the defense spending measure if the extra engine is funded.
This prop house rental had been gutted of its engine and transmission, to avoid having the fluids pollute the water.
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He drove around the block to go past the house again, and paused with the engine running, peering into the garden.
At a time when other countries are actively investing in energy innovation to remain competitive, the House Continuing Resolution proposal would weaken the engine of American growth: innovation.
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She backed the Dodge into the middle of the yard, opened the right-hand back door, and left the engine running while she carried out the egg trays from the house and settled them one on top of another on the floor, all this as it always was on a Thursday.
The house is green, the sky is gray, the fire engine is red.
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It provided a peek under the hood at the engine that made Wall Street purr, the high-rolling casino where both the house and the players won the majority of the time.
But 123 House Democrats joined with 110 Republicans to remove funding for fiscal 2011, meaning that the GE-Rolls engine is in jeopardy if the Senate fails to provide funding and then prevail in a conference between the two chambers to reconcile spending measures.
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