Either some meaning has been lost in translation or the owners are trying to out-baffle English-speaking tourists.
Next, learn how to cook the dish from scratch with an English-speaking chef at Bologna Cooking School.
Unfazed by maritime danger, Churchill braved the Atlantic following Pearl Harbor to support his English-speaking brethren.
Kitts and Nevis, which has approved now the first Biosphere Reserve in English-speaking Region.
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And foreign-born and Spanish-dominant Latinos trail not only whites but also native and English-speaking Latinos.
Such arrangements are rare in the English-speaking world, but quite common elsewhere, particularly in East Asia.
English-speaking countries boast a strong tradition of settling disputes (commercial or personal) by legally binding arbitration.
Many Quebeckers see their culture as central to preserving their identity in an English-speaking world.
ECONOMIST: Economic fears ambush Stephen Harper��s hopes of a majority
He is neither a rotten manager nor a particularly taciturn one, but an English-speaking American.
It does not hail from the traditional English-speaking elite that produced Sri Lanka's other presidents.
It bears all the marks of the analytical tradition in philosophical thinking of the English-speaking world.
But the English-speaking world has been slow to catch on to his cutting charm.
It also expanded Bing Games into other English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, the U.K. and New Zealand.
India's most often-cited advantage is its large English-speaking population, which has helped to fuel the call-centre boom.
Many in France feel the EU has become too big, too open, too liberal and too English-speaking.
Even the term "gay" can be considered to apply only to an educated, English-speaking, wealthier class here.
Thomas was born in Cardiff in 1913 and grew up as an English-speaking child in Holyhead on Anglesey.
By contrast, low-context cultures (most of the Germanic and English-speaking countries) expect messages to be explicit and specific.
And she wanted just everyday, small-town, regular Italians and not where there would be hundreds of English-speaking people.
The study, which focuses largely on English-speaking countries, looks at the price of housing relative to household income.
When it began, many among the French-speaking majority felt that they were bossed around by an English-speaking elite.
ECONOMIST: A more confident Quebec has other things to think about
This includes vast portions of China and India -- the latter alone has 200 million educated, English-speaking people.
Since these marketers don't operate in English-speaking markets, their product names have had a minimal impact on sales.
Outside the English-speaking world newspapers often face less competition from online news aggregators and other Silicon Valley wheezes.
Perhaps, too, there is something about the English language itself that makes fantasy so popular in English-speaking countries.
The Rwandan government, formerly a close ally, disintegrated in genocidal mass murder and was replaced by English-speaking Rwandans.
Ireland is well-run, well-educated, rich, socially cohesive, well-located, English-speaking, and welcoming of outsiders.
FORBES: Do Irish Immigrants to the Bay Area Feel Guilty for Living in Such an Amazing Place?
Radical opinions are casually expressed in Pakistan, by members of the English-speaking elite as well as the Urdu-speaking masses.
No one watching Survivor believes that English-speaking folks cavorting in jungles are Kosher.
Both compete with India on price, but neither can match its annual supply of more than 2m English-speaking graduates.