Devon greengrocer Jim Ashford said although his English grammar was "not brilliant", he tries to ensure his fruit and vegetable signs are properly punctuated.
This is the gist of the discussion I had recently in reaction to how systems like Twitter are accelerating the fading of English grammar and spelling (and likewise in other languages as well).
Magda is a nurse, a qualified pilot, a businesswoman and a philanthropist, a gifted and sensitive lover, the holder of certificates in computing and English grammar, a semi-professional country singer, and a mother.
Mr Durbridge was inspired to write by an English teacher at Bradford Grammar School.
Enjoyable years at Hackney Grammar, with an English teacher who inspired him.
Frankly, I barely passed English in grade school, because I hated grammar.
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The scammer claims to be a native-born American citizen, but uses poor grammar indicative of a non-native English speaker.
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Specific marks are being allocated for good spelling, punctuation and grammar - a change that affects exams in English literature, geography, history and religious studies taken since January this year.
One of the UK's largest building societies is giving staff grammar lessons after concerns about the standard of their written English.
Every one of the 117 pupils entered for GCSEs at Colyton Grammar School in Devon got at least five good grades including English and maths, achieving the best results for GCSEs in England.
The English language is a riot of irregularities, contradictions and exceptions, in both spelling and grammar.
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Peek inside the backpack of Zhou Tao, a middle school student at Beijing's Shijingshan school, and you'll find four grammar texts, three math texts, one chemistry book, two books on physics, five on English, three on political science, not to mention an array of extracurricular and tutorial books.