This, for me, has become the English horn solo in the opening section, strutting obliviously around the yard.
NPR: Getting Hooked on the 'Rite' Sound
As a student at DuSable High School, under the legendary Captain Walter Dyett, Griffin learned the reeds, including oboe and English horn.
NPR: Johnny Griffin: In Memoriam
As a student at DuSable High School, under the legendary Captain Walter Dyett ("feared and revered" says the Chicago Tribune), Griffin learned the reeds including oboe and English horn.
NPR: Johnny Griffin: In Memoriam
When I met him, Quijada was preparing to deliver a talk on the topic of phonoaesthetics, that hard-to-pin-down quality which gives a language its personality and makes even the most argumentative Italian sound operatic, the most romantic German sound angry, and Yankee English sound like a honking horn.
NEWYORKER: Utopian for Beginners
The FRENCH HORN is called "French" only in English.
NPR: Young Tuba Player Gets Nod from Phila. Orchestra