But often they just engulf people in debts that they cannot pay.
BBC: Ed Miliband promises councils powers to ban payday lenders
In cats, it increased the ability of specialised cells to engulf harmful bacteria, and in chickens, antibody responses were increased.
In the two weeks since it emerged that Milly Dowler's mobile was hacked, the almost relentless pressure has turned a terrible affair into potentially the biggest scandal to engulf the Metropolitan Police in decades.
Western officials also fear that full-scale warfare in Macedonia could engulf the whole Balkans.
Economists around the world talk of a systemic crisis, and predict a default by Greece or Italy would result in collapse of the euro zone and a severe recession in Europe that would engulf the entire global economy.
FORBES: Time For The U.S. To Enter The Financial War In Europe
Sam Nunn would be a shrewd selection for secretary of state is partly rooted in Nunn's prestige, high enough to protect the president elect from domestic lobbies in foreign policy battles soon to engulf his administration .
The catastrophe could start in the periphery, but it would spread fast and engulf the core soon enough.
This mushrooming scandal threatens to engulf the technology industry, especially, because grants of options to employees in the late 1990s were seen as a popular retention and recruitment strategy in Silicon Valley startups.
Monday morning saw travel chaos engulf the region, with thousands of passengers stranded when train services were disrupted in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh.
That is why the governments who are about to send soldiers to Macedonia ought to have done a better job of explaining to their citizens how violence in this corner of south-eastern Europe has the potential to engulf the entire region.
The stock trended higher most of the day to engulf the previous two-days of selling, and it will be key to watch how well it holds up in what could be a soft open this morning.