Since Enlightenment is a Compositing Window Manager, you get those fancy drop shadows and window transparencies.
Bestowed on me by the mystic of the age during my epic journal of enlightenment.
Sometimes all you need is a little entrepreneurial enlightenment to get those creative juices flowing.
The region requires a great deal of education and enlightenment in the field of supply chain.
He was determined to avoid the usual claim that Dianetics offered a triumphal march toward enlightenment.
And it says nothing of college's other benefits, such as enlightenment, fun and higher job satisfaction.
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Enlightenment thinkers went further, pushing concepts of good and evil into the realm of superstition.
But the authors give short shrift to the presence and meaning of Enlightenment ideals.
Since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, we have transformed our world.
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Modern thinking is the enlightenment thinking that ended the Dark Ages and ushered in Newtonian science.
Otherwise, the article is a good summary of Enlightenment Era thinking on property rights.
They joined the staff but left because they felt Scientology's road to enlightenment was going nowhere.
It opens the door, once again, to find opportunity for loving recovery, inner peace and enlightenment.
What Bhutan has not become is the new backpacker destination on the Boulder-Goa-Kathmandu enlightenment-trail model.
For enlightenment we went looking for a slew of offbeat yet telling economic indicators.
His journey from monstrosity to enlightenment contains no backward steps and, as dramatized by Mr. St.
Enlightenment was the opening wide of human intellect to reach for the stars and beyond.
This is believed to be a sapling of the one under which Buddha gained enlightenment.
The modern practice of total war, Bell argues, was driven by the Enlightenment dream of total peace.
As to whether such disparities should matter, that question has puzzled philosophers at least since the Enlightenment.
We have come to a point in our history which will be remembered as a great enlightenment.
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The drafters of the constitution were steeped in the liberal writings of Enlightenment philosophers and legal scholars.
If a brisk stroll can clear your head, Nate Damm is surely on the path to divine enlightenment.
The church's (and its architect's) connections here to Renaissance and Enlightenment ideals soon crowd out any Gothic apparitions.
WSJ: St. Mary Woolnoth | Nicholas Hawksmoor | Fortress of God | Masterpiece by Richard B. Woodward
The idea is to let the viewer be immersed in the process and gain some enlightenment from that.
If the printing press ushered in the Age of Enlightenment, the internet brought us the Age of Entitlement.
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That is the best aspect of the Enlightenment tradition, to form a polity that encourages self-government, self-reliance, autonomy.
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Tons of themes available out there in the Enlightenment community to provide a never-ending supply of eye candy options.
In most of post-enlightenment Europe, religion was seen as an obstacle to modernity.
It's accomplished almost everything claimed for it by its pioneers--well, except maybe enlightenment.