Fix the defects, eradicate the bad profits that enrage your customers or erode their trust.
The hunter stamped on some of the nearest ants, then moved away, so as not to enrage himself further.
The caps lock key has been replaced with a search button, which will enrage internet trolls and screenwriters alike.
It Is not what he thinks and it would enrage crucial supporters.
Any user-interface designer will tell you: The quickest ways to enrage your user base are to redesign your product or rejigger its functionality.
FORBES: Facebook slices meaningless data a little finer, outraging millions
If you are a tantrum thrower, this advice may enrage you, but yes, you should take a deep breath and count to 10.
He went out of his way to mention issues which enrage those who voted against him - climate change, immigration, gun control and gay rights.
That single mention of the term was enough to enrage hardliners.
Attempts to increase drink duty normally enrage the struggling pub industry.
Curiously, the very mention of Lowry continues to enrage some people.
It says so much about the state of our discourse that the surest way to enrage everyone is to tweet about peace in the Middle East.
FORBES: Crowdsourcing Propaganda: Gaza and the People's Information Ministry
It's an answer that will enrage the Democratic left -- and, most notably, labor -- but it might actually help sell the legislation to the public.
"Users have to make their own judgment when using them, while companies have to thread a tightrope to ensure they do not enrage the users, " he said.
As any author knows, the best way to enrage your publisher and offend your critics is to write a novel that differs wildly from your previous ones.
But such a bar would enrage British Muslims.
ECONOMIST: How complaining brings surprising groups together
Sources say Gore aides concluded that, while Clinton could energize the Democratic base, he would enrage an equal number of Republicans and possibly alienate swing voters as well in states that remain up for grabs.
CNN: Gore turns down offer by Clinton to visit critical states
Two children from Greece's small Roman Catholic community held a bowl filled with Greek soil for the traditional papal kiss -- a ceremony that was in doubt over worries it could enrage those opposing the visit.
Still, French labor law obliges the company to keep all the workers employed, which means many of them don't work more than a couple of hours a day, while still getting full salary, a situation that appeared to enrage Mr. Taylor.
BBC: What if Supreme Court strikes down Obama healthcare act?