The market was less than enraptured, however, bidding the stock up by only 2.63%.
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They probably weren't as bored as I was, but it seems inconceivable that they'd have been enraptured.
Philip Hoy of Waywiser had been "instantaneously taken" with the book, and the press was similarly enraptured.
We're enraptured with both the lime green and what can only be described as high-vis vest orange.
ENGADGET: Nokia Lumia 620 hands-on: $249 for Windows Phone 8 (video)
Speculation over its original use ranges from human sacrifice and the occult, to ceremonial druidic practices, and has long confused and enraptured historians.
We stopped for lunch at Upal, where a travelling magician was sticking skewers up his nose and swallowing golf balls before an enraptured audience.
For a drama largely about securing votes in the House of Representatives, Lincoln does a remarkable job at keeping its audience enraptured.
Starbucks meets Merrill Lynch--but will this, Cotsakos' latest vision, leave investors enraptured the way they were in those euphoric days of the Nasdaq?
The movie has the bold good grace to honor the enraptured kids they once were and the sterner but still hungry grownups they became.
This is the first game I can remember in which I find myself as enraptured by the story as I am by the gameplay.
Congress, ever enraptured with complex regulations, is putting its faith in Sarbanes-Oxley, a set of rules that requires executives to personally sign off on audits of a company's dealings.
These presidents were enraptured by the new technology of tape-recording, and touchingly confident that their tapes could be kept secret, so they recorded their conversations as no president has done since.
Mayor of London Boris Johnson said Olympics spectators had been enraptured by the sights of the Park, and the best way to share in that feeling was to buy tickets for the Paralympics.
The tale has enraptured Ricardians.
WSJ: Bones of Contention: If the Skeleton Is Richard III, Where to Bury It?